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Combine breath masks with vocal translators
I think my final perspective on this after seeing some discussion is that personally, the disadvantage seems to be that it makes you need to write notes or write custom emotes like a mime under pressure when you need internals on, though in these situations you're often not out there long enough to really do anything. It usually just comes down to flipping the masks around a bunch which at the end of it is more of an annoyance than something that feels like it actually gets in the way of communication.

Me thinking that isn't assuming you could just change that and leave them though. I think in addition to nerfing them in other areas, there could be some other way a monkey's communication is made harder without making them have to flip items around. It's mostly just a user experience issue I take with it, personally. So instead of the double masks thing, maybe monkeys could get an in-built trait where they start yelling and stuff instead of speaking for a little bit at random? I still like the idea of having to mime around and such, and the idea of playing a monkey flipping out while trying to do it sounds pretty funny. Something like this that could affect the monkey at different, more speech heavy moments could result in some fun stuff happening if you ask me.

Basically my view is it'd be nice if some things got shuffled some ways and some in others to make a similar yet less annoying experience, but that's just my take and it's the take of somebody who only joined recently into seeing character monkeys being a thing.

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RE: Combine breath masks with vocal translators - by CalliopeSoups - 03-10-2022, 08:34 PM

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