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i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed
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this cryox change appears to be largely intended to break the "cryo pill" method of healing. it was specifically changed to make cryox worse.

the change makes it so that
- cryox now heals different types of damage based on body temperature difference from base
- the healing is based on curves so that there are "optimal" temperatures to heal certain types of damage

here is a graph from admin chat i made myself of what the curves look like, in terms of real-in-game-damage-per-tick:
[Image: uGU698Z.png]
every horizontal line is one damage point, so at peak performance you heal 12 of one type of one damage.

here are several reasons why this change is not good and is actively bad:

- cryox has already gotten nerfed repeatedly w/r/t requiring active cooling (because it heats you up as it heals)

- "body temperature" is a broken, buggy mechanic, and is not good to base precise effects on
for this one try watching your body temperature. humans have basically zero thermoregulation and will gravitate towards whatever the environment is set at. notice when you spawn in that you have a normal body temp of 98 F -- within a few life ticks you'll slowly start cooling off down to the ambient station temp of 20 C. your icon even changes to "it's a little cool" because of this. also a lot of bugs around insulation and cold/hot protetion

- even if it wasn't bugged, body temperature changes constantly, and the cryo tubes have their own separate effects on body temperature

- body temperature is constantly changing in the cryo tube, multiple times per tick, meaning accurately targetting certain values is all but impossible

- even if you do try and target a specific damage type, there are two cryo tubes that you need to manage

- there is no actual information on what you're accomplishing with a given temperature unless you're constantly watching four different damage numbers and taking notes on what's changing and by how much (as someone who did this with a constantly-visible health readout: good luck)

i gave a target dummy about 2000 of each non-oxy type of damage and put it in a cryo tube. i got lucky and it started healing about 15-20 hp/processing tick at best, which was about 3 tox and the rest being a mixture of brute/burn. letting it get healed by medibots or putting it in a sleeper healed about 13/tick depending on rolls from charcoal and saline.

the effective changes made by this change:
- cryox is now absolutely worthless in pill form
- the default cryo setup that everyone has known for half a decade now results in zero benefit to patients with no obvious reason why
- even if you do play with the gimmick, body temperature jitters and changes so frequently that you're just throwing darts blindly; accurate targeting of damage isn't possible

nobody understands how this works and even when you do it still doesn't make sense and doesn't add anything fun

Messages In This Thread
i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed - by Zamujasa - 03-07-2022, 07:19 PM

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