Mentor application - Breathemanually (Does no Harm, Leo/Aiden Gila)
Usual character name: Does no Harm, Leo/Aiden Gila
BYOND username: Breathemanually
Discord username (if you are on our discord): HAL9000
Recommended by (if applicable): Napswastaken,Walpvrgis
Goon servers you play: 3 and 4 (morty & sylvester)
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

I first discovered ss13 and specifically goonstation at the end of oktober, 2020. Starting out was hard, especially since the learning curve of the game was quite steep, and I remember struggling for the first few weeks on simple stuff. I was quite shut in for that time and wasn’t really sure this ‘spacestation13’ was truly for me. It was only because of incredible people who would dedicate entire rounds to me teaching things such as botany, science and especially medical that I started to become more active in playing and interacting with others. Things that come to mind are medical work which I initially was deathly afraid of, especially surgery, but with enough encouragement I was able to do, master and able to teach others in the same way they taught me. From that I wanted to strive to be like that and be a player that could help people in playing this game in the same way I was helped, improving their experience in goonstation and ss13 at large. I had applied to be a mentor previously because of this but due to me feeling not feeling ready and feeling inadequate back then I decided to remove the application. 
Currently, I feel like I am more firm in my own knowledge and nuances on the game, jobs and in helping others learn all that, and as such this re-application.

In terms of helping newer players I distinctly remember someone who was just starting out but also a changeling. They had no idea how to even pick things up, so I tried to the best of my abilities to give them a small crash course, from simply picking up stuff and such to the different departments and what they are there for. They picked up incredibly fast, already attempting to RP as changeling a little during all of that, though the thing I still loved was how proud they were when they could pick up a donut and eat it. 
Another experience which put me over the line of re-attempting to apply was with medical, where a newer player/doctor came asking if I could show them around. Together with the MDir, we showed them the various things of medical work, such as medicine, analyzing, treatment, cloning/scanning and all that. With all that I also tried to empathize to engage with people working at and going in and out of medbay, and encouraged them when they came with ideas for doctor roleplay things for them that I initially didn’t even think about. After that I became friends with them and tried my best to answer questions that they had without going into spoiler territory, wanting them to experience this silly game in their own way. Seeing how much they grew in this past two months or so made me realize I still love it when I can play a small part in having people enjoy this game and made me feel I was ready to attempt to apply for mentor again. With a mentorship I believe I would be able to more easily help out people like that and allow them to have a better overall time in the game.

As for specific game experience, I’ve been playing a lot of the time on goon as a medical doctor, being taught and in turn teaching others about medical work and how to get started in all of it. For that I think I could provide the most on medical and medical related jobs, including genetics and robotics. Jobs which I am ‘proficient’ at would include mechanics (mechcomp specifically), botany, cheffing, science (artlab, chemistry, lil bit of toxins), and thermal vent engineering. for mechcomp specifically I had made a bunch of more complex contraptions such as a ‘guitar hero’ esque game or such so I think I can definitely help with questions on that though I know for sure I still can learn a lot on fully utilizing mechcomp.
Jobs that I can do adequately but still feel like I can learn a lot in would include security, which I can play but tend to not do as often and TEG engineering. Under this category would also be jobs that emphasize a more engaging RP side, such as bartending.

Lastly, a lot of RP heavy jobs such as chaplain and Head jobs (apart from meddir) I still have not played much or any of. Recently I’ve been trying to grow more into RPing out characters and from there attempt to learn these roles as well.
I do know I still have a lot to learn, and even if I don’t get a mentorship I of course would still try and help people as best I can in any way I can. Thank you for your consideration.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): none

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Mentor application - Breathemanually (Does no Harm, Leo/Aiden Gila) - by breathemanually - 01-22-2022, 04:08 AM

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