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Station layout and effects on gameplay.
I played a few rounds lately after a couple months absence, and maybe because I took a break from it all, I noticed some stuff.

You can spend an entire round holed up in yout department without interacting with another player.
While most of the events that bring players together are traitor-created emergencies (huge fire, bombs), or sometimes player gimmicks -although the 20th boxing tournament at the gym has lost all novelty.

It's true that sometimes you want to just do chemistry in peace, but without forced interaction rounds are uneventful for most players.
That is, unless you put a lot of effort into something amazing (hard, and works seldom), or you grief around (bad, when you do it too often).

I think this is partly due to the layout of the station; all the way back to donut 1.
They can hold a lot of players, but spread around and easily insulated.
The stations are big, and every depeartment is clearly separated.

Getting the attention of somebody is hard, usually a matter of screaming over the radio. Intercoms are not used much, in practice.
The best way to get hold of somebody is making eye contact from a window, but many departments don't have workrooms facing a corridor: Engineering, Science, Genetics, Hydro are all behind double doors.
Even though weak points allow you to break into any place, it tends to get people annoyed when you need their cooperation.

Dangerous workplaces are isolated from the main corridors and accidents rarely spill out into key common areas.
Right now there is little reason to drop what you're doing and help extinguish a fire in the engine or in toxins, because they don't spread to other departments or important hallways.
Remember the mixing chamber of devstation, right next to escape, or the donut 1 engine?

Smaller spaces would force people to rub elbows together and work together or have little feuds.
Having places where you can work hidden from sight is good for treachery, but if most of a department work area was visible from a corridor, people could communicate more easily.
The table between chemistry and medbay, or glass windowed electronics, make things much easier than getting the attention of a botanist, hidden behind a large lobby.

Danger work areas could be closer to important station corridors or departments. Dealing with emergencies they cause would bring people together more often and more effectively than player gimmicks that often do not work.

Finally, a smaller station would make people walk around more, and walk more often across low-priority areas.
If the bar was a hole by a main corridor, people would walk by more often, perhaps use it more.

Cogmap does a lot of things right. It has great ambience, many nooks and crannies, clever ways to break into areas, belt hell.
But I think the game would improve by pushing people closer together and force them to deal with each other and their fuckups. Donut1 had many of these characteristics, it would be a good starting point whenever a new map gets in the works.
While I agree that having a better way of getting the attention of people when you need them is VERY desperately required, maybe some sort of monitor system for all workplaces that you can use to send requests to other workplaces with a loud buzz and a message on the chat interface when a request is placed (this of course would still not really help much when it comes to security or mining but whatever), I disagree with having a smaller station because it's nice having a station where as a traitor role you can be as stealthy as necessary and not have to bump into players every couple of seconds.
I use mailchutes when I want to send a message to a specific department. I just wish they'd repressurize a little faster and there was a way to make the letter look more noticable so people don't assume it's another random blank page.

Geneticists are usually the hardest department to get to notice you though because they have tunnel vision from staring at their screen all day. The biotank had to have an auditory cue to remind them to get off their ass and refill it. Maybe a "ding!" or "you've got mail!" on mailchutes too?
Remove headsets from non-heads and make people have to use the intercoms
Splatpope Wrote:Remove headsets from non-heads and make people have to use the intercoms
That was tried the other day and got reverted.
Swap EVA and The Cafe
mozi Wrote:I use mailchutes when I want to send a message to a specific department. I just wish they'd repressurize a little faster and there was a way to make the letter look more noticable so people don't assume it's another random blank page.

Why don't we add hookups to mail tubes? Grab a tank of air, attach it to the tube, and use it to quickly repressurize, so you can mail stuff out quickly. Use CO2 or Plasma to sublty add small amounts of deadly gas to your target room, or just hook up a full tank and overcharge the mail slot, so it fires the object you mail out of the tube at high velocity.

LDA (Localized Digital Assistant), is essentially a wall mounted pda, and is put up in departments. It works exactly like a pda, you can scan for it, and it would come up on anyone's pda. It would be under AI, and would name the room.
So like:
..(followed by)..
Joe Mc Scrubs
Bill Fart

When messaging the LDA, it would beep the room. Maybe give it one of the unused colors to make it stand out?
BOTANY LDA: [Chef Dudeman] Botanists, I need the hottest chillies

Messages would be left on the LDA like a PDA so a request sent to a department wouldn't be lost in the large amount of text. It's simplest way of messaging a large group of people.
(probably shouldn't be targeted by denomatrix)
Kinda wish botany was next to research

but that'd fuck things up badly
ThoseDernSquirrels Wrote:Kinda wish botany was next to research

but that'd fuck things up badly

There's a mailbox right there in Chemistry. PDA message or yell at a botanist and trade him a watering can full of mutagen (for convenient mutating everything) or diethylamine in exchange for extra cans and other stuff.

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