Feedback Flourish / Ley / Aloe / Others, didn't see. Nuclear Ops event on RP3 11/12/2021
I'm really glad that you had fun! Things definitely went better than I expected (especially considering the population!). Players deserve the majority of the credit though. Without your great RP and restraint, things would've devolved very fast. I especially loved the negotiations in the bridge where a bunch of people were posted outside standing guard, it was an excellent scene.

Re: signing up for special roles, I actually don't think "whoever DMs me first gets it" is any less fair than the typical event that is not announced beforehand and that relies on "whoever ahelps first gets it". For the future though, with pre-scheduled events that involve special roles, I'll have a Google Forms for people to fill out and randomly select from!

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RE: Flourish / Ley / Aloe / Others, didn't see. Nuclear Ops event on RP3 11/12/2021 - by Flourish - 11-13-2021, 12:10 PM

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