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rules question
how convincingly does an antagonist have to frame an innocent person for security to not get banned for falling for it and executing them?
Would probably be resolved on a case basis taking into account the circumstances (how convincing the framing work was, the severity of the crime and any evidence or plausible leads/hints or lack thereof).

If this personally affected you or someone you know the party is in their rights to register an admin complaint to challenge the ruling.
(10-23-2021, 03:14 PM)Gerhazo Wrote: If this personally affected you or someone you know the party is in their rights to register an admin complaint to challenge the ruling.

nah i was just curious
there are a lot of factors that would go into a decision like this, but generally speaking (from my pov, i speak for no other admins obv) the security player wouldn't get banned for this unless it was a recurring problem

the real baseline is if the security person can point to evidence why they did it. if it was "someone said they were bad" then i would probably give them a gentle bop along the lines of "you should at least attempt to find out the truth". if it was "they had a bloody c-saber in their bag and this other guy was murdered with a csaber" then that's just how ss13 goes

questions along the line of "how far can you push x before it becomes bannable" are impossible to answer objectively
My personal taste, but I think if you're playing as security y'all shouldn't be executing people in the first place. Save lethal force in response to lethal force. If you've caught the person and they're no longer a threat, it's unsporting to execute
Generally speaking from the perspective of an HoS like me I'd say if you are going to execute you gotta at least have a trial or attempt to. As Frank says if you already caught the person then just killing them is poor sportsmanship. Need to give them a chance to escape or something for funzies. But if they are shooting at you or trying to kill you with a sword or something then lethal force is what you use.(If you have no other choice fyi like if its a changeling or syndies or vamps)
if theyre not a rampager i catch punish and release

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