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Wizard Item: Staff of Simians
A staff that has two modes, shooting monkeys that deal 10 damage per hit and gib upon hitting something. These monkeys can be spammed pretty quickly, so it would be a bad idea to face a wizard using this spell on. The secondary mode spawns hostile monkeys when its used, with a cooldown of 20 seconds. When using this staff, you can not use the Staff of Cthulhu. It cannot be recalled, unlike the Staff of Cthulhu, and deals less brute damage upon hit (about 5). If a normal person tries to use it, they are turned into a monkey and drop all their stuff, but can still use the staff.
good compared to the staff of cthulhu? Probably not, although thatd depend on the monkey shot cooldown, whether it leaves gibs and blood on the floor and some other stuff
a funny idea? yes
Allow the crew to use it. Wizards should have cool loot.
This would be hell for anyone without no slips
I would prefer a spell that simply summoned a hostile monkey, possibly on a long cooldown. You could do a lot with that.
What if it was a staff of monkey control?
  • Person holding it will never be attacked by monkeys, even if they hit one
  • Monkeys will follow the person holding it
  • Clicking on someone while holding it will make monkeys attack that person
  • Player monkeys that try to hit attackĀ someone holding it will take brain damage
Monkey control would be fun. just wiz teleport into the genetics monkey pen and make the monkeys attack genetics.
(07-01-2021, 07:16 PM)Souricelle Wrote: I would prefer a spell that simply summoned a hostile monkey, possibly on a long cooldown. You could do a lot with that.

Kinda like golems, skeletons or snakes.
(07-01-2021, 06:15 PM)Rilor Wrote: good compared to the staff of cthulhu? Probably not, although thatd depend on the monkey shot cooldown, whether it leaves gibs and blood on the floor and some other stuff
a funny idea? yes

They do gib and have a decently fast cooldown, making it a janitor's nightmare.
I like the idea of summoning a hostile monkey.

Alternatively, what if they could make a targeted monkey or a small area of NPC monkeys become hostile for a short period of time? Rise of the Dome of the Apes style.
(07-01-2021, 07:38 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: What if it was a staff of monkey control?
  • Person holding it will never be attacked by monkeys, even if they hit one
  • Monkeys will follow the person holding it
  • Clicking on someone while holding it will make monkeys attack that person
  • Player monkeys that try to hit attackĀ someone holding it will take brain damage

I kind of like this idea a lot more compared to just summoning a single monkey

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