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Water "Pressure"
So, flooding on most water maps hasnt really been that dangerous, apart from the oxy damage which can relatively easily be countered with oxygen tanks. At most, they are annoying. So, why not add another way of damaging people? If enough of a certain liquid is in a room, it will begin to cause brute damage overtime (this starts specifically when it reaches the 'roof' of whatever room it is in), increasing the more units of the liquid is in. The water pressure damage can be stopped (obviously) with a diving or space suit.
Maybe it could deal damage/stuns if you're hit by a fast-moving flood? To my knowledge, the pressure in both the station level and Trench is average enough that nobody is harmed by it, but that's mostly flavor and could be changed.
I am all for making the oshan lethal if you dont have a water suit on; like how space is if you dont have a space suit. Right now all you need is internals and you can go for a stroll. This makes it much harder to play the outside of the station, as anyone can chase you out there. And then the sub nerds? its much harder to lose a sub in the empty trench then a pod with all the prefabs
(06-03-2021, 10:26 AM)Froggit_Dogget Wrote: I am all for making the oshan lethal if you dont have a water suit on; like how space is if you dont have a space suit. Right now all you need is internals and you can go for a stroll. This makes it much harder to play the outside of the station, as anyone can chase you out there. And then the sub nerds? its much harder to lose a sub in the empty trench then a pod with all the prefabs
Would the pressure directly outside of oshan be that much? I say the heavy pressure should be in the trench
I feel like there should ABSOLUTELY be pressure damage in the trench. Hard agree.
The trench already burns you if you don't have a diving suit.

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