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throwing the obsidian crown into a singularity causes void monsters to spawn randomly
I think 'feeding the singularity' should be more of an interactive thing in the spirit of SS13. Ok yes this is completely against the science of blackholes which delete things from existence but we're not here for realism, we're here for the SS13 sandbox.

Maybe throwing a clown in causes bananas to spawn in random locations on the station

Maybe releasing a strangelet loaf into it causes multiple spatial tears at once (temporarily)

I could sit here all day and think of interesting/funny things, i know you can too.
thats cool but not something people would intuit, they'd just go to the crown and toss it in the singulo quickly wheras theres hints here and there that the crown and armor 'go together'
maybe if you throw the crown in it teleports elsewhere and spawns void monsters and same thing for the armor, but if you throw in someone wearing both the singularity evolves into LORD SINGULOTH, breaks frees of containment and starts wreaking havoc and spawning void monsters
I like that. I always feel like we need more WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE stuff. Like I feel like Telesci and teleporters in general should have more chances for spawning monsters and mutating people.
The Fly and Doom are documentaries.
bump for consideration

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