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Mime Traitor Item: Advanced Miming For Dummies
Advanced Miming For Dummies appears as a plain white book, and when used, allows the mime to select one advanced mime skill from three..

Here's the list of skills so far:
  • Invisible Wall: Causes the mime to create a 3-tile-wide wall in the direction that they are facing, nobody can walk through while the mime is using the ability. it cancels when the mime moves, or if someone breaks the wall with blunt weapons or firearms.
  • Finger Gun: Gives the mime a *fingergun that has no in-hand sprite, but is able to fire like a normal gun. it requires no reloading, does very small damage, and makes no sound when fired. Enough hits WILL kill.
  • Silencer: Gives the mime a special ability to strike a creature in JUST the right place, that it renders them mute for five minutes.
Might add more later, idk.

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Mime Traitor Item: Advanced Miming For Dummies - by TheRealFlapJackson - 05-01-2021, 10:09 AM

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