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Option to "Claim" a locker by clicking it with your ID.
Lockers are in most departments on most maps, but they don't really belong to anyone.  As such, when someone late joins and their department has their equipment in lockers, they could waste time going through lockers that have nothing.

Claimable lockers allows people to see that someone looked through a locker and that it probably doesn't have their job equipment.

Possible ways of implementing are:

1. Name only.

Person claims a locker.  Their locker now has their name on top of "Engineering Locker" or "Mining Locker".  Locker otherwise works normally.

2. Limit access.

Person claims a locker.  Their name is on top of locker name.  Other people with the same job access they have can't access it, but their boss can open it.  (If the Chief Engineer thinks they're storing contrabrand, they can check it themselves.)  For security reasons, Security Officers will always be able to access these.

3. Put a Name Labeler in every department with lockers.

No game mechanics change.  Instead, an easy to access Name Labeler is in every department that has lockable lockers.

Reasons for this idea:

1. As mentioned, it's a nice QoL change that can help people do their role a little quicker.  Not more than a minute or two, but it can eliminate frustration, especially when there isn't any equipment left..


Possible Add-on

Non-head Lockable lockers have a visual indication that they haven't been claimed yet.  Maybe an extra light at the top that stays lit green until it's claimed, turning red?
I thought personal lockers already did this? Guess not.
The personal lockers in the Assistant Den General population does this.

This is more about the department specific lockers.
I'd be more in favor of the name only thing but then I still don't think this is really that necessary imo. Seems like if it restricted access it would just cause frustration
Yeah, the access restriction was something I don't care too much for either, but I know it would also be an immediate indicator for late joiners that they won't find gear in the locker probably so I thought I'd throw it in to see what everyone thought.

Not the biggest necessary change by far, it's just a nice quality of life thing I thought of, especially as a Sec officer.
The access restriction could exist on the RP servers, maybe? But maybe not.

At the very least, a visual sprite change and adding the owner to the name of the locker would yeah, be fantastic.
Personally, in my experience, I usually only want one thing from the lockers.

Say, I am a researcher and I can't find a reagent analyzer right now (my PDA blew up or whatever). So I go to a locker to get one real quick.
Later another person comes along and needs another oxygen tank for their flamethrower, they can get it from the locker I took the analyzer from too.

If I had claimed the locker, the other person would not have been able to get the air tank. So if this is implemented, there should definitely still be the option to not claim the locker, is basically what I am trying to say!
I figured the way to claim the lockers would be the same as the Gen pop lockers (you explicitly need your ID in your active hand). There could also be a pop up that asks "Claim this locker" when clicking that way.

Unlike Gen Pop lockers, clicking a locker without your ID out would ideally still cause them to unlock, allowing other people to open and, if they want, to claim the locker.
On Bay, the locker rooms have a labeler so we can mark lockers with our names. I think this would be a good addition because it's completely optional and doesn't lock anyone out of the claimed locker, but of course, you can still claim one.
I think that personal lockers fill the niche here nicely. When I spawn in as any sort of job that has a locker, rarely do I use everything in that locker.

Maybe something like making it easier to get personal lockers or perhaps having them change colours or patterns or something when used by a certain type of ID like medical, sec, research, engineering; so they match that job's typical look would go a long way to alleviating any pain of them looking like regular personal lockers which kinda look like a dime a dozen and are reasy to steal or misplace.

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