Head of Security Application: Luxizzle
I've been nudging you here and there that I think you'd be a fantastic HoS, so +1 from me.

You're probably one of the people that plays Security that I've had the most experiences/rounds with, both when you were HEX and now as June Lockridge. I've seen you take the time to teach new SecOffs piece-by-piece, and in general you're very determined. You handle the good rounds and the bad rounds in stride and I respect and aspire to that. IC, you're a little tougher, but I think that's a nice balance for RP Sec that we could use just a little more of; especially since June's version of "toughness" is one that allows for fair, but unique punishments for crimes outside the usual scope of long Brig sentences and Borging. While those are useful tools, I think you have a nuanced understanding of how to drive a round forward and when it's appropriate to try and introduce a new interaction to the table. I'm really humbled by the rounds I've been able to work directly with you because they've always been, without exception, fun, full of interactions, and fantastic experiences for me to learn from.

I know it's been a bit since HEX was about, but I think that HEX's time on-station in the Fall is a little microcosm of all the good you could do given the beret. HEX (and June!) are dilligent, communicative, and cooperative characters. HEX inspired multiple other players to participate in the RP Servers in a way that was collaborative and constructive, whether it was as a helpful Home Team BroboCop, or the secretly subverted Security Borg that now was able to mull around Security and provide engaging antagonist experiences for non-antags to work with. Or even playing as a non-silicon on Sec, it was much more fun to know that we were always going to have a point person that cared about us and had a natural organizer and someone dedicated to promoting the team's well-being with HEX around. And that wasn't a thing that existed before you decided to do that! So I 100% think that having you in a role with more visibility in Security will do the same and only magnify good attitudes/good sportsmanship for everyone around you.

Finally, you very clearly care about the quality of not just antag experiences, or the experiences of the crew you're trying to help, but also the experiences of the people playing Security. You have given tons of input about map designs, loadouts, RP-Sec attitudes, and in PR contributions and comments; it's very evident you care a lot about the role and making sure everyone in and around it is playing to the best of their abilities.

I'd really, really look forward to having Lux as HoS.

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RE: Head of Security Application: Luxizzle - by nefarious6th - 03-13-2021, 09:02 AM

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