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increase sec timelock
(11-10-2020, 09:48 PM)AWarriorBunny Wrote: I believe that a beginner security role would just subject players to being antagonized by staffies and actual antagonists while not having many tools to really defend themselves besides cry to metaironysarcasm quoting real sec metaironysarcasm quoting, or carrying the trusty toolbox all the time. I really, really didn't care for the "cadet" role on Fulp for similar reasons.

I appreciate input like this because I have literally never played security on other servers; Goon was my first and it was like pulling teeth for me to do it after playing for like 4 months. I thought in that context, for others like me, it would be nice to have something like VO as a full-time to learn and get ready for Sec and also not eat up any Officer spots. But knowing how it works in actual practice is really valuable to me too. I don't know what the solution here is, but I just wanted to say that I think this is an important and relevant thing to discuss here.
The Paradise server uses a karma system, that works by letting players award other players after a round is over with karma points, wich you need to have a certain amount of to play certain roles such as sec officer. I think a system like that would work better than locking it into a application thing or making the time lock longer.

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