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[PR] Removes unintended advantages/disadvantages of player monkeys caused by ismon...

About the PR
Changes multiple `ismonkey()` checks to `istype(M, /mob/living/carbon/human/npc/monkey)` checks, so player monkeys aren't treated exactly the same as npc monkeys for better or worse, by some of the code. The exact list is below, a plus means I've changed it to this, a minus means I can change it to do so, but chose not to. Depending on feedback, certain parts may be changed.

+Werewolves can maul player monkeys and get the same amount of points as from a human
+Hunters can take skulls from player monkeys and get the same amount of points as from a human
+Vampires can drink player monkey blood
+Blobs get 4 evo points from player monkeys instead of 1 like npc monkeys
+Changelings can absorb player monkeys
+Player monkeys can get appendicits from the random event
+Player monkeys fill activators when they're used on them
+Player monkeys provide the activation bonus for genetics when their mutations are activated
+Player monkeys can interact with bot navigation beacons
+Player monkeys show up on playing cards
-Player monkeys can't be forcibly meatspiked, fried, and grilled
-Player monkeys don't become regular robots when forcibly borged via an artifact/nanites
-Player monkeys set off tripwires when trespassing
-Player monkey corpses can be turned into skeletons by wizards

Why's this needed?
A lot of the `ismonkey()` checks were there to prevent people farming npc monkeys for certain purposes, and changing it to a check for if its an npc or not should still serve this purpose, while getting rid of any advantages/disadvantages the `ismonkey()` checks gave player monkeys. I assume these applying to player monkeys were either unintended, or not considered during coding.


(+)Player monkeys are no longer affected by code designed with npc monkeys in mind

These all seem pretty reasonable, and I particularly like that you did not choose to change the meatspiked/fried/grilled - the monkey should fear the chef.

All of this is beneficial to the game and nothing but an improvement. Looks good.
Merged, so moving to Good ideas! forum. It's not too different from how the original post described these changes. Again, plus means the change is in, minus means it's possible but it's not in the PR (so it's not in the game). So player monkeys giving blobs full biopoints and monkeys being able to have their blood sucked by vampires is in, but not nanomachines making player monkeys into the simple AI-driven robots (e.g. cleanbot, medibot) rather than borgs (by the way, did you know there are player-controllable versions of those bots created around the time Critter Invasion and Pest Invasion events were added?) or player monkeys being able to be instantly meatspiked. (NPC monkeys act same as ever.)

As usual, if you want to make a change related to this idea, like maybe you think that, yeah, player monkeys should be able to be put on a meatspike is a good idea, feel free to make a forum thread advocating for it.

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