Posts: 672
Threads: 18
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Jan.antilles
Character Name: Marina "Rina" Favero, Fleur DeLaCreme, etc goobers
Usual Character Names: Fleur DeLaCreme, Florence
BYOND username: Jan.antilles
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jan.antilles#7395
Recommended by (if applicable): Kamades, Nexusuxen/Aft2001, Ley/Leeanei, Makkipakki
Goon servers you play: RP Overflow primarily, but also RP Main
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
It’s been a little over 3 months now since I started playing Space Station 13. What attracted me to the game in general was the RP, and what attracted me to Goonstation in particular was the wiki. I knew I wanted to dive in, but wanted a helping hand. Between the wiki, the discord, and the awesomely helpful community of mentors, admins, and players that Goonstation has, I was pulled right in and haven’t looked back.
I’m very familiar with most of the player roles, from Janitor to Captain and almost everything in between. I haven’t put as much time into silicon roles, but I’m confident as a borg, especially in Medbay. When I’m an antagonist, I try to dial in my level of aggression to what the round needs, and keep open dialogue with people both in-character and (if necessary) LOOC to make sure that I’m not the only one having fun.
As a mentor, I would place a high priority on both making new players feel welcome and helping anyone who needs it. Space Station 13 is as deep a game as you want it to be, especially on an RP server, and I know firsthand how intimidating it can be when you’re trying to learn something new. Specifically, I want to place special emphasis on helping people who are learning to RP in Space Station 13. I have never played on the LRP/Main servers on Goonstation because RP is such a priority for me, and I love to gently encourage people to RP more in game by engaging them and forming a shared story. Even if that story is as simple as waving and calling “Ave a zafe shift, and don’t vorget to get a clone zcan!” to a miner heading into the trench, it is part of making the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of Goon RP what it is.
Thank you for reading and for playing with me, and I will see you all in Discord, and most importantly in game! <3
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None
Posts: 49
Threads: 3
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Kamades
Character Name: Raphael Zahel
Jan is absolutely someone I have seen around the station, helping out and teaching folks. From gentle teaching in botany, to being a helpful teacher in Medbay, and low level teaching via prodding as Captain, Jan is absolutely a fantastic person around the station. They are also often helping out in the discord in their areas of expertise, and generally just being a great person overall. I expect they would be equally excellent as a mentor!
In short, give Jan purple, for they will do great things with it.
Posts: 7
Threads: 1
Joined: Aug 2020
BYOND Username: Drunkangel
Character Name: Lilac Collar. Lethix Laxlux. H.L.P 2182
Jan is the sweetest person I know in the community and has endless patience and a heart of gold as well as a wealth of knowledge about a large portion of the game. She personally taught me how to play chef and I know for a fact she's great with medical, botony, command and sec as well.
Recently I've seen her play alot of HOP, captain and sec and she's always a great force of peace. She stops anybody from rampaging as you might expect but very often has amazing social sense and can give punishments that don't slight people and let antags play while having fun. She's got a amazing sense of peace and iconic sweetness that's infectious and makes me want to be a better person.
Overall Jan has impeccable social sense and an great depth of knowledge in multiple roles. And I could easily see her giving plenty of advice on both how to play mechanically while also giving plenty of advice on how to play properly in RP and RP overflow. And how to go about the round while still having fun yet not ruining the experience of your fellow spacemen.
Posts: 30
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Joined: Oct 2019
BYOND Username: Enfaeutchie
Character Name:
Absolutely. Great attitude and I have only had positive experiences both ingame and in the community
Posts: 553
Threads: 57
Joined: Nov 2018
BYOND Username: adharainspace
Character Name: Ada O'hara & Porter Starboard
jan is very nice, i would love to see her being a mentor. teaches people ig, understands the values of not being a jerk and not metagaming with info. active on discord. good candidate
Posts: 1,400
Threads: 117
Joined: Sep 2016
BYOND Username: Aft2001
Outright +1
Jan is an extremely friendly, social, and helpful person. She is very much an RP and story driven player, who puts time and effort into making memorable rounds on RP Overflow, and I admittedly get happy when I see them pop into the round, even if I probably won't talk to them (I am a hermit mechanic, leave me alone). While I know Jan isn't experienced with all of the game's mechanics, she 100% has the energy and attitude needed to be a mentor - further mechanical experience and knowledge will come in time, of course.
I honestly do not recall really any negative experiences with her, either in-game, in the Gooncord, or elsewhere. She is a great addition to the community and the RP server, and the helpful and positive energy she has would make her a great mentor.
Posts: 35
Threads: 3
Joined: Apr 2013
BYOND Username: Aedan
Character Name: Elizabeth Auman, Psiga
I need to get this username changed, it no longer reflects an identity I use. My ckey is Aedan.
Jan is one of the people who sucked me into GoonRP when I finally came back to poke at SS13 again. She also encouraged me to join the Discord, which uh, prompted me to do that exact thing and meet a bunch of cool people? Jan is patient, habitually helpful, and generally an all-around good member of the community to do mentor work.
Posts: 20
Threads: 10
Joined: Mar 2018
BYOND Username: PromethiusX
Character Name: Cronos Morphis
I first met Jan right around when she first joined Goon RP a few months ago, and I quickly took a liking to not only her character, Fleur DeLaCreme, but her literal sense of character. She's a joy to be around and is very understanding, in Discord and in game, putting her all into everything she does and doing her best to put other players first, which is admirable behavior in my book.
Regardless of anything that occurs in the game, Jan is a great person, and I'd like to say that I consider her a friend.
Now, in the game? Very versatile player with a wide range of skills, and she includes others where applicable if she can help it. I've seen her give assistance to new players on many occasions, and I'm sure she would thrive teaching on a regular basis, having a lot of patience and a passion for the game that's a prime example of what it means to love what you do. Not only would it be a travesty not to purple this person, but it would break the space law I just made up. +1 blue hair clan
Posts: 466
Threads: 16
Joined: Aug 2020
BYOND Username: Nefarious6th
Big "yes" from me! Jan is one of the kindest people in the community! She's funny, super humble, and a joy to be around. I've had the great privilege of playing with Fleur in all her many forms: Captain, Chef, Janitor, and Security.
I had a great round as AI just yesterday where I got to see Fleur and Rico Geravo have a really dramatic, intense, and interesting traitor interaction on the Manta Bridge. I poked Rico a little on PDA but largely sat back and just watched, absolutely hooked by the storytelling they were doing there. That interaction was great to just watch, even if I wasn't roped into it. Jan's ability to storytell and moments like those show she really has a commitment to making dedicated, meaningful stories and understands really well the spirit of the RP servers. She's been nothing but patient and kind to me in-rounds and outside of rounds, and will interact and respond to me when I make comments or quips as AI. She's absolutely mentor material and embodies all the best of Goon.
+1, so unbelievably happy to see this application!
Posts: 74
Threads: 5
Joined: Sep 2020
BYOND Username: varali
Character Name: Rhea Kestrel, Raven Starling, Seriema Osprey, see profile
Most of what has to be said has already been said, but I'll still add my voice. Absolute +1. Jan is not only a great mentor and teacher, but she's so incredibly kind, patient and nice that I've never felt intimidated or scared to approach her for questions, and trust me I get scared off mentorhelping a lot! She might not know the game 100%, but more than enough to be a mentor. Knowledge can be earned over time, she's got the kindness that any mentor should strive for. There's nothing negative to say about Jan and that says a lot I hope.
Posts: 461
Threads: 11
Joined: Nov 2019
BYOND Username: Leeanei
Jan is great! She actually likes to help people, cares about the rules and the roleplay servers.
Posts: 9
Threads: 4
Joined: Jan 2020
BYOND Username: LoveDoktor
Character Name: Dick Detroit
Jan's probably *the* person I'd think of when I think of mentorship- And it wasn't a matter of "if" she got the role, but *when*. Seriously, definitely the most patient and kind folks on Goon RP period. I cannot even express how well they deserve the role.
Posts: 383
Threads: 35
Joined: Apr 2016
BYOND Username: fosstar
Character Name: Montgommery Scott
Honestly, just the effort they put into their accent alone is enough to say Y E S, and considering how clearly competent they are whenever I’ve seen em play, even showing me a few tricks a few times, I can think of few players that deserve the purple more than they do. Their application and style of interaction together show the right attitude and knowledge necessary to function as a mentor, so I can’t say anything but +1
Posts: 139
Threads: 16
Joined: Jan 2020
BYOND Username: MarkNstein
Due to me not observing Fleur much, I can only vouch for Jan's kind personality. I can recall her playing-along with gimmicks on RP though, so I'm not concerned about power gaming on meta-info.
Posts: 325
Threads: 10
Joined: Aug 2020
BYOND Username: virvatuli
Jan is a wonderful soul and would be a fantastic addition to the mentor team. I've played with her a bit on RP and she's always a delight to have around, and in the discord she's great to chat with. Always willing to help and just be an all around excellent person.
+1 for sure