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make stun baton flip around when youre on harm intent
If flipping the baton when your intent is on harm is how we handle this, what if simply trying to hold it while it's on set to harm is what triggers the shock?

So, if you want to go to harm you have to flick it off first, or else it shocks you.
If you try to pick it on while it's on and you have yourself set to harm, it shocks you.
If you try to put it back on your belt or bag and it's on, it shocks you.

Really hammer home that when you turn on that shock, you're holding something dangerous that needs to be handled carefully.
If there's one skill we should teach Sec players, it's remaining calm under pressure and precise actions.

Also, this means you can twirl your baton by rapidly switching intents and I like that.

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RE: make stun baton flip around when youre on harm intent - by Frank_Stein - 08-27-2020, 05:45 PM

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