Leeanei/Ley Mentor App
Usual character name: Vivianne Murre (Stella Carmine on Goon)
BYOND username: Leeanei
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Ley
Recommended by (if applicable): most recently, Richardgere.
Goon servers you play: RP Overflow

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): I'm almost at my one year anniversary! It was in september. I did a bunch of different characters at first, just so people wouldn't recognize me when I was finally competent! Anyways then I did a lot of basic jobs like medical doctor before moving onto engineering. I then made a lengthy jump to Head of Personnel and learned quite a bit of everything else trying to hold the station together. EU hours low pop is actually where I learned the basics of Oshan engineering. HoP was fun, but eventually I got jammed into sec. My first sec round was *terrible*. I had no idea what I was doing so I have near infinite patience for new players that are experiencing things like managing their hands(I threw a stun baton instead of a criminal!) getting harm batoned(because its fun???) and getting everything else wrong. I moved to RP before nabbing HoS and have only taken short breaks from RP since.

I've basically done security 60% of the time since. I'm a confessed monomaniac.  I can also do basic doctoring and engineering and light crime. I'm really not very experienced except for security, and hitting people isn't very complex. Otherwise I picked up barman after sec, which might be a weird order of things but I did dabble with secret chems as a barman, but still, I mostly play security. It's why I applied for HoS first, and I only really began considering mentor when the tide arrived and strained pretty much every part of the 'goon infrastructure'.

So let's talk about that. Why didn't I apply for mentor until now? It really has to do with the flood of new players. I had some reasons for not touching it previously and they mostly have to do with how I spend my time. But I do have very well "chunked" time that stops me from playing games but wouldn't stop me from being a mentor, so I decided to give back to the game and community I've enjoyed for a year. This is not much in the grand scheme of things but at least I can help somehow.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
Wait, Ley isn't a mentor?  Ley's taught me a lot of handy tricks, both in game and on discord, and is a consistently level headed, excellent person.  I'd be a much worse player without Ley's advice - be it a good discussion about sec theory, poking me to look deeper into how the cloner works, and a lot of other little things besides. 

I'd trust them to be a mentor, and thing they'd do a damn fine job of it. 

I'm still shaking my head because I totally thought Ley was a mentor already.
Absolutely 100% purp this nerd, they are always helpful in discord and would be more able to help with mentor. +1
I second everything Kamades said. Ley has been quite helpful in the discord and just a pretty pleasant and helpful person.
Ley is a really solid, awesome member of our community. They're consistently kind, level-headed and have a lot of game knowledge. An all-around good space bud. They would make a good addition to the mentor team. +1.
Why did I already think you were a mentor? Aaaaaa
Good patient bean, purp dis sec-nerd +1
I've seen them around and recognize them as a good bean, +1 from me
Terrifyingly robust and exceptionally competent in-game, and I always get a sense of relief when they play HoS (since I have antag disabled lol)

On the Discord they're genuinely quite pleasant and add a lot to conversations, and have even been pretty helpful.

So, to reiterate what others have said: How are they not a mentor yet? +1
yes make 'em purple
I honestly thought Ley was a mentor already, I've not played with them much but they're extremely helpful in the discord, I think they'd be a great grapemouse
the hos label proves that theyre pretty trustworthy already, and i think they'd be a nice addition to the mentor team. theyre helpful on discord or in game too.
Ley has an, uh, interesting forum avatar, but that's the worst thing I can say about em and that bit is not even their fault.

They're good in-game and on discord, someone I always like to see around. I think they'll be a good mentor too.
Add me to the list of people going "WAIT WHAT LEY ISN'T A MENTOR?!"

I have learned so much from her, both in and out of game. When I see Quinn Jones, I know crazy hijinks will happen. When I see Vivianne Murre, I know that things are going to get handled, one way or another. I have seen over time that she truly cares about facilitating RP and fostering a great community.

Ley is a fantastic resource for Goonstation, and I totally support giving her as many tools as possible to keep her doing her thing.

+1 please mouse her. <3
100% yes

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