Posts: 6
Threads: 1
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Pure Psycho
Character Name: Cleve Hauptman
Usual character name:
BYOND username: Pure Psycho
Discord username (if you are on our discord): I am not on the Goon Discord but I can join in and be active there if that is preferred
Recommended by (if applicable):None, I usually don't get much recognition (which is fine there are a lot of people)
Goon servers you play: Goon RP and Occasionally Goon RP2
Reason for application: I admit I do not have an enormous amount of experience playing SS13 I recently started only a couple weeks ago but I've logged around 50+ hours in that time and I have played as HoP and got a lot of kudos by people for my playstyle so I think I could handle other command roles.
I really enjoy the RP aspect of ss13 coupled with the freedom that goon servers allow. It makes for fun and interesting stories and its great when you run into a player who is RPing in a really fun way to you can join in on their story. The reason I am applying is that in recent days I've noticed the Security teams have been completely out of hand during most rounds, there is almost never a HoS and when there is they are usually almost as bad as the SEC officers are. I want to be able to join in on rounds as the HoS so I can teach the other SEC officer how to appropriately apply force and do their jobs. Savagely beating someone and throwing them in jail is not an acceptable response to minor crime or even assault. It also doesn't make for a fun round when an ANTAG is immediately beaten brain dead because they were caught somewhere doing something suspicious but otherwise have no evidence against them to prove they are in fact a traitor.
Security experience (300 word minimum): My SEC experience isn't extensive of my 50+ hours maybe 15+ of them are as a SEC. I enjoy being a SEC officer and I often attempt to RP as an Officer Friendly type, patrolling the station and asking staff how the day is going etc. When confronted with criminals I ALWAYS ask them to come peacefully first or just hand out a ticket if it is a minor offense. I only stun and restrain a suspect if they attempt to assault me or refuse to stop whatever they are doing. If they run I don't always chase depending on the crime, I instead report them over the SEC channel and go back to the office to set them for arrest status and update their file to show the crimes they are wanted for. I always follow the chain of command if possible, this again is one of the reasons I am applying it is really frustrating when my fellow Officers are completely out of line beating and detaining people for excessive time without any real evidence or investigative work and the HoS is nowhere to be found or the Captain begins actively encouraging this behavior which makes it almost impossible to get the support and compliance of other staff members . The last round I played was incredibly frustrating and is one of the reasons for my application, I spent the round attempting to be a good officer taking people in and releasing them as I was supposed to be doing. The round was unbelievably chaotic it started with me arguing with another SEC officer that he couldn't beat and perma-detain a clown for assault. Then a man in a Ling costume being harassed nonstop by the other SEC members while a REAL ling was on the loose and the AI was actively tracking and attempting to slow it down with none of the other SEC officers doing anything. I stepped in to fight the ling and was almost successful until a fellow SEC officer walked in on the fight and proceeded to unload his riot shotgun into me. Somehow I managed to get back up and port-a-brig the ling before it got away again. I was hoping to get a break only to catch someone breaking into a secure area while I was trying to get some food THEN had to get into a brawl with the entire Botany wing because the Captain set them all to be arrested for drug production which led to me almost being killed by a flamethrower wielding botanist. After that I thought I might get some sort of break but then a clown decided to go full terrorist on the shuttle and started trying to murder everyone while the rest of SEC sat in their side room watching. All in all SEC is a tough roll but I think I have played it well and have the necessary experience to call myself a decent SEC officer.
Answer two or more of the following:- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Play Nice, remember you have enormous power over other staff members your job is to enforce Space Law and make people feel safe. You are suppose to help people with their problems and be a role model for others. NOT some jackbooted thug who goes around beating and stunning people just because they talked back to you. READ THE WIKI it clearly states that the maximum sentence for any crime is 5min unless stated otherwise by Command. That being said, you are to serve the community sometimes its still not ok to act like a thug even if the Captain tells you to. Try and play along while also taking the side of the people being picked on.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my favourite moments as SEC was when I chased a suspected syndicate member around the station for almost the whole round until I had finally caught him. He was very ROBUST and it took enormous effort to brig him as he had escaped from me multiple times. When I finally did get him in the brig a rad storm hit almost immediately and I pulled him out of the brig to save him, he ended up dragging me through the vent and we saved each others lives. After that he played a long and was compliant and helpful and I ended up having to release him as I couldn't dig up any concrete evidence on him. He was a spy, I checked at the end of the round, but the fun I had just trying to prove it even though I failed made that whole round for me.Another(I know it says one) is when another SEC officer was playing a 64 year old officer who was assigned to desk duty and would constantly needle me and be on my back about every little thing and had stood back and watched as I tried to subdue 3 people at the same time who were all attempting to murder each other, then proceeded to criticize me for not breaking up the fight faster. It was frustrating as hell but also a lot of fun RP wise, knowing I couldn't trust Officer Greg to do anything other than paperwork (though he was great at updating and changing records and statuses when I radioed him). Never got a chance to tell him OOC I hope he didn't think I was ever actually mad at him.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When there is a full team I try and use the SEC radio as much as possible and I usually avoid giving too much chase to runners, instead I will get their name and set them for arrest so the rest of SEC can back each other up. I have only been solo on the overflow server and when that happens I try and stay in contact with the captain, command, AI as much as possible and will often be more forgiving of minor crimes as I will often need the assistance of staff to bring down major threats.
[*] What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I've wanted to try an Ultra Friendly SEC officer that forced people to shake hands, hug it out or apologize rather than performing arrests or brigging people. The thought of how frustrated someone would be when the SEC officer naively tells the criminal and the victim to hug and say sorry is priceless. Though the past few matches I've played as SEC have been so unrelentingly chaotic I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Maybe on the overflow one of these days I'll give it a whirl.
Previous bans: None
Posts: 227
Threads: 10
Joined: Jul 2019
BYOND Username: Chrisb340
(07-29-2020, 02:23 PM)PurePsycho Wrote: Usual character name:
BYOND username: Pure Psycho
Discord username (if you are on our discord): I am not on the Goon Discord but I can join in and be active there if that is preferred
Recommended by (if applicable):None, I usually don't get much recognition (which is fine there are a lot of people)
Goon servers you play: Goon RP and Occasionally Goon RP2
Reason for application: I admit I do not have an enormous amount of experience playing SS13 I recently started only a couple weeks ago but I've logged around 50+ hours in that time and I have played as HoP and got a lot of kudos by people for my playstyle so I think I could handle other command roles.
I really enjoy the RP aspect of ss13 coupled with the freedom that goon servers allow. It makes for fun and interesting stories and its great when you run into a player who is RPing in a really fun way to you can join in on their story. The reason I am applying is that in recent days I've noticed the Security teams have been completely out of hand during most rounds, there is almost never a HoS and when there is they are usually almost as bad as the SEC officers are. I want to be able to join in on rounds as the HoS so I can teach the other SEC officer how to appropriately apply force and do their jobs. Savagely beating someone and throwing them in jail is not an acceptable response to minor crime or even assault. It also doesn't make for a fun round when an ANTAG is immediately beaten brain dead because they were caught somewhere doing something suspicious but otherwise have no evidence against them to prove they are in fact a traitor.
Security experience (300 word minimum): My SEC experience isn't extensive of my 50+ hours maybe 15+ of them are as a SEC. I enjoy being a SEC officer and I often attempt to RP as an Officer Friendly type, patrolling the station and asking staff how the day is going etc. When confronted with criminals I ALWAYS ask them to come peacefully first or just hand out a ticket if it is a minor offense. I only stun and restrain a suspect if they attempt to assault me or refuse to stop whatever they are doing. If they run I don't always chase depending on the crime, I instead report them over the SEC channel and go back to the office to set them for arrest status and update their file to show the crimes they are wanted for. I always follow the chain of command if possible, this again is one of the reasons I am applying it is really frustrating when my fellow Officers are completely out of line beating and detaining people for excessive time without any real evidence or investigative work and the HoS is nowhere to be found or the Captain begins actively encouraging this behavior which makes it almost impossible to get the support and compliance of other staff members. The last round I played was incredibly frustrating and is one of the reasons for my application, I spent the round attempting to be a good officer taking people in and releasing them as I was supposed to be doing. The round was unbelievably chaotic it started with me arguing with another SEC officer that he couldn't beat and perma-detain a clown for assault. Then a man in a Ling costume being harassed nonstop by the other SEC members while a REAL ling was on the loose and the AI was actively tracking and attempting to slow it down with none of the other SEC officers doing anything. I stepped in to fight the ling and was almost successful until a fellow SEC officer walked in on the fight and proceeded to unload his riot shotgun into me. Somehow I managed to get back up and port-a-brig the ling before it got away again. I was hoping to get a break only to catch someone breaking into a secure area while I was trying to get some food THEN had to get into a brawl with the entire Botany wing because the Captain set them all to be arrested for drug production which led to me almost being killed by a flamethrower wielding botanist. After that I thought I might get some sort of break but then a clown decided to go full terrorist on the shuttle and started trying to murder everyone while the rest of SEC sat in their side room watching. All in all SEC is a tough roll but I think I have played it well and have the necessary experience to call myself a decent SEC officer.
Answer two or more of the following:- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Play Nice, remember you have enormous power over other staff members your job is to enforce Space Law and make people feel safe. You are suppose to help people with their problems and be a role model for others. NOT some jackbooted thug who goes around beating and stunning people just because they talked back to you. READ THE WIKI it clearly states that the maximum sentence for any crime is 5min unless stated otherwise by Command. That being said, you are to serve the community sometimes its still not ok to act like a thug even if the Captain tells you to. Try and play along while also taking the side of the people being picked on.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my favourite moments as SEC was when I chased a suspected syndicate member around the station for almost the whole round until I had finally caught him. He was very ROBUST and it took enormous effort to brig him as he had escaped from me multiple times. When I finally did get him in the brig a rad storm hit almost immediately and I pulled him out of the brig to save him, he ended up dragging me through the vent and we saved each others lives. After that he played a long and was compliant and helpful and I ended up having to release him as I couldn't dig up any concrete evidence on him. He was a spy, I checked at the end of the round, but the fun I had just trying to prove it even though I failed made that whole round for me.Another(I know it says one) is when another SEC officer was playing a 64 year old officer who was assigned to desk duty and would constantly needle me and be on my back about every little thing and had stood back and watched as I tried to subdue 3 people at the same time who were all attempting to murder each other, then proceeded to criticize me for not breaking up the fight faster. It was frustrating as hell but also a lot of fun RP wise, knowing I couldn't trust Officer Greg to do anything other than paperwork (though he was great at updating and changing records and statuses when I radioed him). Never got a chance to tell him OOC I hope he didn't think I was ever actually mad at him.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When there is a full team I try and use the SEC radio as much as possible and I usually avoid giving too much chase to runners, instead I will get their name and set them for arrest so the rest of SEC can back each other up. I have only been solo on the overflow server and when that happens I try and stay in contact with the captain, command, AI as much as possible and will often be more forgiving of minor crimes as I will often need the assistance of staff to bring down major threats.
[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I've wanted to try an Ultra Friendly SEC officer that forced people to shake hands, hug it out or apologize rather than performing arrests or brigging people. The thought of how frustrated someone would be when the SEC officer naively tells the criminal and the victim to hug and say sorry is priceless. Though the past few matches I've played as SEC have been so unrelentingly chaotic I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Maybe on the overflow one of these days I'll give it a whirl.
Previous bans: None [*]
The HOS applications require you to have been playing for at least three months - part of that is because it allows you to get a sizeable amount of experience around different situations on the station, and part of it is because it makes it much more likely that people will know you and have an opinion on whether you'd be a good fit for HOS.
It sounds to me like you have a fairly decent understanding of what sec play should be (in regards to trying not to be a shit) - although it does sound in part like you've often not gotten on well with other security, and I'm sure there are multiple perspectives on the events you've described. Also, probably not a good idea to go insulting current HOSes and calling them ("usually") shitters. You might be decent at security (I don't know, haven't seen you play) - but the HOSes on average have much, much more security playtime than you, so it comes off as arrogant to say the least.
Posts: 6
Threads: 1
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Pure Psycho
Character Name: Cleve Hauptman
(07-29-2020, 03:24 PM)Sick Ness Monster Wrote: (07-29-2020, 02:23 PM)PurePsycho Wrote: Usual character name:
BYOND username: Pure Psycho
Discord username (if you are on our discord): I am not on the Goon Discord but I can join in and be active there if that is preferred
Recommended by (if applicable):None, I usually don't get much recognition (which is fine there are a lot of people)
Goon servers you play: Goon RP and Occasionally Goon RP2
Reason for application: I admit I do not have an enormous amount of experience playing SS13 I recently started only a couple weeks ago but I've logged around 50+ hours in that time and I have played as HoP and got a lot of kudos by people for my playstyle so I think I could handle other command roles.
I really enjoy the RP aspect of ss13 coupled with the freedom that goon servers allow. It makes for fun and interesting stories and its great when you run into a player who is RPing in a really fun way to you can join in on their story. The reason I am applying is that in recent days I've noticed the Security teams have been completely out of hand during most rounds, there is almost never a HoS and when there is they are usually almost as bad as the SEC officers are. I want to be able to join in on rounds as the HoS so I can teach the other SEC officer how to appropriately apply force and do their jobs. Savagely beating someone and throwing them in jail is not an acceptable response to minor crime or even assault. It also doesn't make for a fun round when an ANTAG is immediately beaten brain dead because they were caught somewhere doing something suspicious but otherwise have no evidence against them to prove they are in fact a traitor.
Security experience (300 word minimum): My SEC experience isn't extensive of my 50+ hours maybe 15+ of them are as a SEC. I enjoy being a SEC officer and I often attempt to RP as an Officer Friendly type, patrolling the station and asking staff how the day is going etc. When confronted with criminals I ALWAYS ask them to come peacefully first or just hand out a ticket if it is a minor offense. I only stun and restrain a suspect if they attempt to assault me or refuse to stop whatever they are doing. If they run I don't always chase depending on the crime, I instead report them over the SEC channel and go back to the office to set them for arrest status and update their file to show the crimes they are wanted for. I always follow the chain of command if possible, this again is one of the reasons I am applying it is really frustrating when my fellow Officers are completely out of line beating and detaining people for excessive time without any real evidence or investigative work and the HoS is nowhere to be found or the Captain begins actively encouraging this behavior which makes it almost impossible to get the support and compliance of other staff members. The last round I played was incredibly frustrating and is one of the reasons for my application, I spent the round attempting to be a good officer taking people in and releasing them as I was supposed to be doing. The round was unbelievably chaotic it started with me arguing with another SEC officer that he couldn't beat and perma-detain a clown for assault. Then a man in a Ling costume being harassed nonstop by the other SEC members while a REAL ling was on the loose and the AI was actively tracking and attempting to slow it down with none of the other SEC officers doing anything. I stepped in to fight the ling and was almost successful until a fellow SEC officer walked in on the fight and proceeded to unload his riot shotgun into me. Somehow I managed to get back up and port-a-brig the ling before it got away again. I was hoping to get a break only to catch someone breaking into a secure area while I was trying to get some food THEN had to get into a brawl with the entire Botany wing because the Captain set them all to be arrested for drug production which led to me almost being killed by a flamethrower wielding botanist. After that I thought I might get some sort of break but then a clown decided to go full terrorist on the shuttle and started trying to murder everyone while the rest of SEC sat in their side room watching. All in all SEC is a tough roll but I think I have played it well and have the necessary experience to call myself a decent SEC officer.
Answer two or more of the following:- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Play Nice, remember you have enormous power over other staff members your job is to enforce Space Law and make people feel safe. You are suppose to help people with their problems and be a role model for others. NOT some jackbooted thug who goes around beating and stunning people just because they talked back to you. READ THE WIKI it clearly states that the maximum sentence for any crime is 5min unless stated otherwise by Command. That being said, you are to serve the community sometimes its still not ok to act like a thug even if the Captain tells you to. Try and play along while also taking the side of the people being picked on.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my favourite moments as SEC was when I chased a suspected syndicate member around the station for almost the whole round until I had finally caught him. He was very ROBUST and it took enormous effort to brig him as he had escaped from me multiple times. When I finally did get him in the brig a rad storm hit almost immediately and I pulled him out of the brig to save him, he ended up dragging me through the vent and we saved each others lives. After that he played a long and was compliant and helpful and I ended up having to release him as I couldn't dig up any concrete evidence on him. He was a spy, I checked at the end of the round, but the fun I had just trying to prove it even though I failed made that whole round for me.Another(I know it says one) is when another SEC officer was playing a 64 year old officer who was assigned to desk duty and would constantly needle me and be on my back about every little thing and had stood back and watched as I tried to subdue 3 people at the same time who were all attempting to murder each other, then proceeded to criticize me for not breaking up the fight faster. It was frustrating as hell but also a lot of fun RP wise, knowing I couldn't trust Officer Greg to do anything other than paperwork (though he was great at updating and changing records and statuses when I radioed him). Never got a chance to tell him OOC I hope he didn't think I was ever actually mad at him.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When there is a full team I try and use the SEC radio as much as possible and I usually avoid giving too much chase to runners, instead I will get their name and set them for arrest so the rest of SEC can back each other up. I have only been solo on the overflow server and when that happens I try and stay in contact with the captain, command, AI as much as possible and will often be more forgiving of minor crimes as I will often need the assistance of staff to bring down major threats.
[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I've wanted to try an Ultra Friendly SEC officer that forced people to shake hands, hug it out or apologize rather than performing arrests or brigging people. The thought of how frustrated someone would be when the SEC officer naively tells the criminal and the victim to hug and say sorry is priceless. Though the past few matches I've played as SEC have been so unrelentingly chaotic I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Maybe on the overflow one of these days I'll give it a whirl.
Previous bans: None [*]
The HOS applications require you to have been playing for at least three months - part of that is because it allows you to get a sizeable amount of experience around different situations on the station, and part of it is because it makes it much more likely that people will know you and have an opinion on whether you'd be a good fit for HOS.
It sounds to me like you have a fairly decent understanding of what sec play should be (in regards to trying not to be a shit) - although it does sound in part like you've often not gotten on well with other security, and I'm sure there are multiple perspectives on the events you've described. Also, probably not a good idea to go insulting current HOSes and calling them ("usually") shitters. You might be decent at security (I don't know, haven't seen you play) - but the HOSes on average have much, much more security playtime than you, so it comes off as arrogant to say the least. [*]
That's a misunderstanding, I should have worded it better. I didn't mean to imply all HoS are shitters, I've worked with some good ones. Its only that of all the rounds I've played as SEC around 70% haven't had a HoS and the 30% have been a mixed bag. There was one really good HoS in a round a few days ago where the Flockmind was an antag and the HoS almost died trying to save another member of SEC who was cornered by the flock. Again, if my application comes off as arrogant I apologize and it is not my intention. I don't think I know better than others and I have often got along great with my other SEC members and meshed really well as a team. However if I am am barred from HoS because of the 3 month rule I understand. I will use the time to be better acquainted with other roles. I still haven't learned mining or engineering yet.
Posts: 630
Threads: 33
Joined: Sep 2017
BYOND Username: Drago156
Character Name: Drago Kitterson, Frex Lutlie
Trying to parse through those walls of text was definitely not easy. Might recommend in the future to space sentences out a bit more, makes people more likely to read your stuff then see blocks of text and just ignore it.
Now then, Chrisb340's concerns are mine and more. You seem to mostly play RP, and things there as Security are far more grating than 2, and takes a lot more work to distinguish yourself, especially given the large influx of players in both servers (over 100 people on RP just blows my mind). Along with that, this also means a higher level of expectation that you can be trusted to follow the RP rules and still be a fun HoS, which I'm picking up from your app that you might not be ready for that yet.
Finally, on the topic of calling out other HoSes. That's something I wouldn't expect from any HoS nowadays, and I do mean ANY. An HoS should be well above any sort of bickering, fighting, insulting, or grudge holding of any kind on a personal level. I would suggest playing for a longer amount of time and getting more experience under your belt, as well as working a little bit on keeping yourself reserved and looking at things through the perspective of other people.
Posts: 6
Threads: 1
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Pure Psycho
Character Name: Cleve Hauptman
(07-29-2020, 03:48 PM)Drago156 Wrote: Trying to parse through those walls of text was definitely not easy. Might recommend in the future to space sentences out a bit more, makes people more likely to read your stuff then see blocks of text and just ignore it.
Now then, Chrisb340's concerns are mine and more. You seem to mostly play RP, and things there as Security are far more grating than 2, and takes a lot more work to distinguish yourself, especially given the large influx of players in both servers (over 100 people on RP just blows my mind). Along with that, this also means a higher level of expectation that you can be trusted to follow the RP rules and still be a fun HoS, which I'm picking up from your app that you might not be ready for that yet.
Finally, on the topic of calling out other HoSes. That's something I wouldn't expect from any HoS nowadays, and I do mean ANY. An HoS should be well above any sort of bickering, fighting, insulting, or grudge holding of any kind on a personal level. I would suggest playing for a longer amount of time and getting more experience under your belt, as well as working a little bit on keeping yourself reserved and looking at things through the perspective of other people.
I understand, I still insist I am NOT trying to call out HoS. I have given no names and I haven't tried to point to any specific incidents other than positive. My main grief that I am trying to convey is the LACK of HoS on SEC shifts. I have no intention of trying to call people out or hinder peoples fun or act like some sort of tyrant.
But it's seems that I am not a fit anways, ]my intentions have been mistaken twice, my formatting is abysmal and I lack the required experience overall. I will stick to available roles and not bother you again. I apologize again if my intentions came off as arrogant or an attempt to "call-out" people.
Posts: 227
Threads: 10
Joined: Jul 2019
BYOND Username: Chrisb340
(07-29-2020, 04:01 PM)PurePsycho Wrote: I understand, I still insist I am NOT trying to call out HoS. I have given no names and I haven't tried to point to any specific incidents other than positive. My main grief that I am trying to convey is the LACK of HoS on SEC shifts. I have no intention of trying to call people out or hinder peoples fun or act like some sort of tyrant.
But it's seems that I am not a fit anways, ]my intentions have been mistaken twice, my formatting is abysmal and I lack the required experience overall. I will stick to available roles and not bother you again. I apologize again if my intentions came off as arrogant or an attempt to "call-out" people.
I can understand and appreciate that your words might have been taken in a way they weren't intended. It's not as if we're against you forever - stick around, play a reasonable amount of sec so you get a solid level of experience, and when the three month period comes around you'll likely have been seen more and people will have a better idea of your abilities/playstyle. I'll certainly try to keep an eye out for you!
Posts: 6
Threads: 1
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Pure Psycho
Character Name: Cleve Hauptman
(07-29-2020, 05:24 PM)Sick Ness Monster Wrote: (07-29-2020, 04:01 PM)PurePsycho Wrote: I understand, I still insist I am NOT trying to call out HoS. I have given no names and I haven't tried to point to any specific incidents other than positive. My main grief that I am trying to convey is the LACK of HoS on SEC shifts. I have no intention of trying to call people out or hinder peoples fun or act like some sort of tyrant.
But it's seems that I am not a fit anways, ]my intentions have been mistaken twice, my formatting is abysmal and I lack the required experience overall. I will stick to available roles and not bother you again. I apologize again if my intentions came off as arrogant or an attempt to "call-out" people.
I can understand and appreciate that your words might have been taken in a way they weren't intended. It's not as if we're against you forever - stick around, play a reasonable amount of sec so you get a solid level of experience, and when the three month period comes around you'll likely have been seen more and people will have a better idea of your abilities/playstyle. I'll certainly try to keep an eye out for you!
Thanks, I don't plan on going anywhere. Hopefully I can prove in the 3 month period that my playstyle embodies what you are looking for.
Posts: 2,456
Threads: 113
Joined: Feb 2017
BYOND Username: Technature
I'm sure this isn't as major as some of the other issues brought up, but not having a normal name you go by (or at least not putting one down) makes it difficult to make any sort of recommendation. There are definitely some people I wouldn't mind having HoS access for doing a good job of not going overboard in antag murder, and I don't know if you're any of them or not.
And since everyone brought it up, I should mention that yeah, saying the current HoS' are as bad as the bad sec is...not the best? I'm sure you didn't mean poorly from it, but...
Quote:The reason I am applying is that in recent days I've noticed the Security teams have been completely out of hand during most rounds, there is almost never a HoS and when there is they are usually almost as bad as the SEC officers are.
You've gotta understand how bad this looks, man. I assume ignorance over malice on pretty much any mistake that isn't blatantly trying to cause problems and I still feel kind of offended by this, even though I've never played HoS on the RP server yet and thus know you can't possibly be talking about me.
Will admit though, the idea of semi-forcing blatant jerks and the people they're negatively affecting to "hug it out" sounds hilarious as hell.
I say get a couple months, make yourself known with what you're doing (especially right now, I will probably notice when someone is being reasonable instead of immediately tazing someone for allegedly stealing an ID the person found), and keep any apps you make in the future on the positive side.
Posts: 6
Threads: 1
Joined: Jul 2020
BYOND Username: Pure Psycho
Character Name: Cleve Hauptman
(07-29-2020, 07:19 PM)Technature Wrote: I'm sure this isn't as major as some of the other issues brought up, but not having a normal name you go by (or at least not putting one down) makes it difficult to make any sort of recommendation. There are definitely some people I wouldn't mind having HoS access for doing a good job of not going overboard in antag murder, and I don't know if you're any of them or not.
And since everyone brought it up, I should mention that yeah, saying the current HoS' are as bad as the bad sec is...not the best? I'm sure you didn't mean poorly from it, but...
Quote:The reason I am applying is that in recent days I've noticed the Security teams have been completely out of hand during most rounds, there is almost never a HoS and when there is they are usually almost as bad as the SEC officers are.
You've gotta understand how bad this looks, man. I assume ignorance over malice on pretty much any mistake that isn't blatantly trying to cause problems and I still feel kind of offended by this, even though I've never played HoS on the RP server yet and thus know you can't possibly be talking about me.
Will admit though, the idea of semi-forcing blatant jerks and the people they're negatively affecting to "hug it out" sounds hilarious as hell.
I say get a couple months, make yourself known with what you're doing (especially right now, I will probably notice when someone is being reasonable instead of immediately tazing someone for allegedly stealing an ID the person found), and keep any apps you make in the future on the positive side. Like I said, I didn't mean for it to come off so pointedly. I also completely missed where I didn't post my character name. I play under Cleve Hauptman.
I wrote this in notepad and then copy/pasted it and completely missed that on my proof read. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have sat on this for couple days and reread it a few times for tone and errors first.(actually given I missed the 3 month rule I never should have posted it at all).
I get it though, I was too excited to post and get a chance at trying a position that isn't available by default. I'll go back and get more experience and try again later. Most of my experience is as a Medical Doctor (and I am a damn good one if I do say so myself). Maybe I'll try Medical Director for awhile to try and get better known as being competent and then branch into HoP and even Captain.
Again, it was not meant to come off so pointed. I was way too eager to post and didn't take the time I should have.
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Joined: Jul 2019
BYOND Username: Chrisb340
For what it's worth, I also really liked your idea of a super 'hug-it-out' officer is a really nice idea for a gimmick that could be neat to see. It suggests to me that you have the right idea about what sec is - often people will come in talking about their sec gimmick that amounts to murdering people, which is not what sec is meant to be all about. So it's refreshing to see a non-violent sec gimmick concept here!
In case this is how you've interpreted it - there's no need to 'build-up' to the various head roles. Most of the time, the heads don't actually have a lot of responsibility and can pretty much go and do their own thing. Especially in the case of the captain, who for most intents and purposes is just a glorified staff assistant with all access and a gun (or sword). Don't feel like you need a set amount of experience to take a head role - it doesn't matter if you're competent or incompetent as a head. That said, just making sure you're helpful if people request things of you (y'know as long as they're reasonable) is the main thing.
Specifically being a head role doesn't make you more or less memorable in general. In fact, some of the people I remember best rarely take head roles at all! The best way to get noticed is just to be a consistent player who helps out and is pleasant to interact with. As long as you do that for a while, people will begin to notice you and form positive opinions. Don't stress too much!
Posts: 255
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Joined: Feb 2018
BYOND Username: SimianC
This application has been denied as it does not meet the 3-month requirement. We encourage you to keep playing security and consider applying at a later date!