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Clarify the RP servers "Don't speak about what you logically don't know" rule?
Quote:Especially if there's junk info (like "Align 5 candles to form the corners and center of a square to best ward a malaevolent spirit from an area") that gets in the way of mechanically relevant info, but is still something to do in-game for flavor. Hell, maybe even audio logs could be useful!

Red herrings and mixed formats are an absolute must. An audio log of an unfortunate crew getting overwhelmed by a blob and just incoherent screaming throughout is one idea I'm toying with. The RD playing this to the Captain to create a sense of malaise sounds too good to pass up. 

I'm going to work on this idea as I feel stuff like this could be easily added with very little coding required - just sprites and wording based off of Adhara's wiki page. 

My first concept would be the Vampires Hunting Journal (Name TBA) which is a container (much like the bible) containing: 
- A paper describing a vampire, despite no ascertainable features actually attributed to the vampire. Reads like a fable.
- Garlic, another source of holy water if you can extract it!
- A stake. A red herring, does absolutely no extra damage to a vampire, but is a decent stabbing weapon nonetheless. 

... Would this encourage better RP? Maybe, maybe not. I think it's worth a shot, at least it would enable those who want to try do so. If anyone has any further ideas, by all means.

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RE: Clarify the RP servers "Don't speak about what you logically don't know" rule? - by Sundance - 07-30-2020, 04:22 PM

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