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Disaster Rounds Arrivals
Jeezy pete's I spawned in to a disaster round and arrivals was full of shit ready to kill me.  

Should probably make it so things don't spawn in arrival shuttle or the nearby area.
I don't think they spawn there, they walk in!
Players retreat to the shuttle because nothing spawns in there and the "shit" follows them in.

I'd think it to be largely unnecessary to make it so they can't enter/spawn in it, it's safe enough already.
Really the biggest disadvantage to late-joining a disaster is you have no time to prepare unlike those who spawn at round-start.

Really, as long as you keep moving you're likely to find a group of survivors and survive with them.
Stay in the shuttle thinking it's safe and of course something'll come eventually, you'll attract them arrivals and they'll attack late-joiners like yourself.

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