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New Mystery Crates/Redo Old Crates
+ Random Drugs (Found some, I guess it's just rare, ignore this one.)
Nothing like finding a stray crate from a drug deal. 

+ Toy Chest
Hopefully with a higher chance to be rare. Stuffed animals, figurines, and toy sabers! Maybe golden tickets too?

+ Clothing Crate
Normal clothes to rare clothes, stuff you can't get from the cargo clothes. Includes accessories.

+ Blueprints
Ranging from rare to normal, would be fun for miners to have other things they could print from the fab without going out of their way to scan things.

+ Animal Crate
We see bees, cats, and a lot of bears and wendigos, but there are a lot of other animals and creatures that could be in a crate as well. Maybe there could be eggs, too?

+ Medical Crates
For some reason we get medical supplies a lot in random crates (like Military, don't tease us with something cool). 

+ Military Crates
Any way we can guarantee grenades, armor, weapons, and ammo? They're rarely cool to open. I expect medical supplies to drop every time I open one.
Weapons from crates seems insanely OP.
I looted a teleporter gun and a bunch of grenades this last round (incendiary, sarin, shock, I forget the last.) There's already some fun stuff, but it's watered down with the occasional medical supplies. We could remove the medical stuff and make the crates themselves harder to find and harder to open.

Edit: They don't have to be powerful items, either. Just finding standard vests would be nice.

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