(Gore) - Scrubbo Trashdigger - [HoS Application #2]
First of I wanna thank Drago and you Chayot for replying and giving some critique; especially that you Chayot went to such great lengths to elaborate and point out specific aspects of my behaviour.

Regarding the aspect of COMMAND - yeah. I stepped back quite a bit from ordering people around and changed towards communicating with them; giving ideas on what to do or asking for help when necessary. The main critique of my last application seemed to be that I was not working in a team very well, thus I wanted to show that I was capable of working in a team and making sure that said team was working together well.
Punishments for crimers are nowadays communicated by me to the rest of the security department - even if some of those crimers are getting annoyed about me keeping them waiting while the HoS is on his way to arrive on the scene. I particularly tried to inform the security department of every incarceration and the crew of the most vile dangers lurking.
To be fair it is not happening a lot that hire greytiders to fight crime - but it happens. There have been rounds when I got someone brigged for hurting someone else or stealing from others and then a few seconds later a much greater danger would appear. More often than not I would simply go ahead and arm the crimer, telling them where the menace is lurking (nukies) and work together on stopping those vile forces. Quite distinctly I remember a round (not nukies I reckon) when I was in security alone at the start of the round but I managed to recruit a humanized monkey (who was hilariously still acting out being a monkey) and later on another strange fellow.

Lately I simply put more weight on communication and socilization between people. It has been my goal to make sure everyone can have a wee of fun.


Concerning my personality...hm - reckon that I try to keep calm even when my emotions are peaking in one way or another. Thing is...I tried finding out which sorta behaviour-scheme would work the best in that enviroment. If I simply fall back on speaking my unfiltered mind all the time I would be way more problematic to deal with. I cannot change that I would sometimes like to rip someones face and eyeballs out - but that is just me and my Borderline personality disorder.

Through time I achieved to look at the game in a more relaxed state of mind, but still. I cannot get my bad emotions get a hold of me - and I can never change those vile thoughts popping up. I can simply be aware of my problems and try the best to keep'em at bay, through any means. On that regard I think to have suceeded.

Chayot - you seem to have played with me a bunch'o times together on the security department and fair enough parts of my behaviour are meticulously optimized for the enjoyment of everyone. But I wouldn't say that I am hiding my personality. When something boggles me I speak up and remark that - simply to say what has changed is that my approach to these kinds of situations has been regularized. It's hard making sure my brain ain't fucking me over but I am doing my best to work on my behaviour and build up good will between all players and myself; even those that might still hold a grudge against me due to previous problematic occurances in the past.


Anyway - I thank you for pointing these concerns out and will try to find a healthy mix between teamwork as in speaking about a plan and communicating all the time and taking a stance to command folks around when the situation deems this necessary.

Have a good one. smile

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RE: (Gore) - Scrubbo Trashdigger - [HoS Application #2] - by GORE - 06-28-2020, 04:10 PM

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