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Spacebux purchase idea: Alternate Job Title
Since alternate jumpsuits are a possible spacebux purchase, how about alternate job titles?

Perhaps a separate "serious" and "silly" version.  For example, the "serious" alternate job title for Staff Assistant would be something like "Intern", while the "silly" version would be "Organ Donor".
We should get a spreadsheet for suggestions or something. I started coming up with stuff and then realized that this is a horrible place for it.
[Civilian Jobs:]
Staff Assistant : Greytider
Chef : Meat Artisté
Chaplain : Prophet
Barman : Drunkards Union Rep
Botanist : Plant Whisperer
Janitor : Trashdigger
Clown : Honker

Mechanic : Wire-Fryer
Engineer : Radiator Technician
Miner : Rockworm Hunter
Quartermaster : Storage-Forager

Medical Doctor : Boo-Boo-Patch-Guy
Geneticist : Chair Monkey
Roboticist : Conciousness Creator
Scientist : Unhinged Madman

[Command/ Security:]
Security Officer : Copper
Detective : Ol'Watchman
Nanotrasen Security Operative : Crisis Intervention Officer
Chief Engineer : Master of Heat-Distribution
Medical Director : Patchmaster
Research Director : Professor Professor
Communications Officer : Newsletter Operative
Head of Security : Capeman
Head of Personnel : Master of the Tide
Captain : Drunkard

[Job of the Day:]
Mime : Le Mimodrame
Barber : Hair Collector
Mailman : Space Delivery Service-Operator
Lawyer : Public Defender
Tourist : Visitor
Vice Officer : Buddy
Boxer : Fist-Communicator

[Gimmick Jobs:]
Radio Show Host (Talk Show Host) : Man of the People
Mime : Le Mimodrame
VIP : Capitalist
Pharmacist : Mister Chill-Pill
Union Rep : [Department] NanoTrasen Dispute-Resolve-Professional
Diplomat (Ambassador) : Politician
Musician : SpaceCloud Rapper
Salesman (Merchant) : Shady Dealer
Journalist : Public Investigator
Coach : Hired Trainer
Sous Chef : NanoTrasen Cuisine Expert
Waiter : Servant of the Cuisine
Apiculturist (Apiarist) : Bee Ambassador
Psychologist (Therapist, Psychotherapist) : Brain Doctor
Test Subject : NanoTrasen Experimental-Prisoner
Regional Director : "Second-Craptain"
Inspector : NanoTrasen Procedure-Check Officer
Hollywood Actor : Clown Apprentice
I suppose I probably should have included all my ideas in the original post.  Let's see how many I can remember and/or invent off the top of my head!

Format is Job: Alternate "Serious" Title/Alternate "Silly" Title

Staff Assistant: Intern/Organ Donor
Chef: Cook/Cannibal
Chaplain: ???/God Botherer
Barman: Bartender/Wannabe Chemist
Botanist: ???/Flooding Specialist
Janitor: Sanitation Technician/???
Clown: Punching Bag/Entertainment Specialist (No, I didn't reverse these by accident)
Mechanic: ???/???
Engineer: ???/Pyromaniac
Miner: ???/???
Quartermaster: ???/???
Construction Worker: Architect/Dadaist Architect
Medical Doctor: Paramedic/Sawbones
Geneticist: ???/Monkey Aggression Outlet
Roboticist: ???/???
Scientist: ???/Nerd
Security Officer: ???/Mall Cop
Detective: Private Eye/Troubleshooter
NT-SO: ???/Blue Nukie
Chief Engineer: ???/???
Medical Director: ???/???
Research Director: ???/Turbonerd
Communications Officer: ???/???
Head of Security: ???/Zookeeper
Head of Personnel: Director of Human Resources/Designated Survivor
Captain: Commander/Head Staff Assistant

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