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Blob mitosis
Basically, my idea is that blobs with multiple nuclei should have an option to undergo mitosis, recruiting a ghost as a new blob, who gets one of the parent blob's nuclei and some of the surrounding cells.  It gives the permadead people something to do, makes managing a particularly large blob a bit less annoying, and it fits thematically as well.
Hm. This is actually sort of an interesting idea.

Managing one front line is hard enough, but when you're massive you have to worry about so many. It would make perfect sense to just split apart and make it easier to manage overall.
Love that idea, but we have to talk about balance.
Two blobs (that spawn together/join later) can use their abilities independently from each other.
This allows blobs to rush to the escape shuttle - blob A places a tile, blob B places the next one. And this is quite fast.
Imagine that with 3 or 4 blobs.

Yeah, maybe evolution for a blob is exactly that - getting more "brains".
I feel some extreme experimental changes to the overhaul Blob gameplay could do quite a bit of good. Just trying out some of those radical changes could prove to be really sweet.

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