Mentor App: ToastGhost
Usual character name: Odin Williams or Ricky Rocket Rollerskates
BYOND username: ToastGhost
Discord username (if you are on our discord): ToastGhost
Recommended by (if applicable): Dions yelled DO IT NOW at me
Goon servers you play: Occasionally RP, mostly Goonstation

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
I've played since 2015 or so, and I like the game a lot.  I like helping out new people when I can, welcoming them to the discord, asking them about spacemen, women, robots, etc, then I help them with surgery or something in game perhaps.  That probably never happens but I try.  I get captain a lot so I know my way around most of a station usually.  Most recently I've tried to play my antags as subtle, waiting for a while before starting my objectives, acting my role in the meantime.  When not an antag, I like exploring the adventure zones, learning chemistry, and doctoring others which is my specialty.  Reason I'm applying is I like helping folk, honestly.  I want to ensure everyone can have a good time, and if someone wants to know something to improve their game experience (how do I piss), then who am I to deprive them of that?

Oh boy this application has to be a lot longer.  wordjo  So like, there's a lot of stuff you don't know, right?  Secret chems, locker codes, anything with the word sol in it, but then there's the stuff when is just simple yet effective.  Sprinting, for example.  Walking.  Resting.  Knowing your interface.  Taking off a backpack.  Then there's more advanced topics, like mechanics, engineering, medical work, computer interaction.  Then there's your high tier stuff that even I don't know about: hidden graves, bad endings, icy walls, etc.  I think I am advanced, but not high tier yet, and I think that could change.  But I could also help change your basic staff assistant into a blob-fighter, vampire killer, or helpful bystander.

Lastly it's important how you treat people.  Gotta be friendly but not tolerate any bullshit.  Make it friendly for everyone, you know?  Rules are important.  

If I can prove my support in helping out new people or get a few recommendations, I hope that will make thee look kindly upon this poor avatar-lacking spaceperson.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I believe it was back in 2015 as well that I had a mental break and went a little crazy, in the process stealing someone's ID because I thought they were an antag in an extreme case of paranoia due to said break and long story short it was an ugly situation.  That entire time before, after, and between two trips to the mental hospital are kinda hazy to me, but I'm sure you'll see I've avoided any recent trouble.  Except for one time where I sucked at RP that I'm sorry for if that's in the notes. Oh... heh, I was just...

Disclaimer: Please delete and/or disregard by endorsement for Podrick as HoS.  I got excited and don't use the forums much, and ignored the one rule that there is aside from template stuff. If I can I blame Dions for my haste.

I am also open to questions if you would like to interview me.

Messages In This Thread
Mentor App: ToastGhost - by ToastGhost - 11-16-2019, 01:42 PM
RE: Mentor App: ToastGhost - by Tewf - 11-20-2019, 08:58 PM
RE: Mentor App: ToastGhost - by Studenterhue - 11-27-2019, 08:58 PM
RE: Mentor App: ToastGhost - by Podrick Equus - 11-27-2019, 09:22 PM
RE: Mentor App: ToastGhost - by Flourish - 12-08-2019, 03:30 AM

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