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Emagging Cyborg Modules Grants Different Items/Cyborg Cosmetics/Syndicate Module Item
I've always thought it was strange that the syndicate frame and the emag don't provide borgs with syndicate flavored versions of gear you'd normally get in a module. Maybe not all the items get swapped so you can still blend in, but lets say a small handful get changed so the borgs can be dangerous. It could even come in handy on Nukie rounds where they have the option of borging themselves and becoming illegal warmachines. Maybe with guns for hands, who knows?

And while we're talking about borgs, can emagged borgs get special cosmetic options like flashing eyes, spider legs, or a giant red S painted on their chest? (I, Superman Syndicate!)

Quick edit: Or alternatively, allowing traitors/nukies to buy a special Syndicate module for cyborgs.
Ive always wanted extra special shit for borgs I've made with syndie frames just never sure WHAT I want added.
I always liked the idea of emagging a borg would also emag the features in its modules like the hypospray
It would make sense i suppose so yes
Or maybe we should not make the Emag any stronger than it currently is with its ability to emag doors, lockers, crates, hyposprays, vending machines, manufacturers, cybernetic organs, jones the cat, ducks, defibrillators, cyborg frames, certain consoles (in particular the quartermaster's console), cyborgs themselves, bots, ID access, the escape shuttle, and anything I left off the list.

Aside from that I'm fine with some sort of traitor roboticist kit containing this kind of thing, or just having it be its own roboticist item. A hacked cyborg module that has some nefarious tools.
syndicate cyborg module: secbot
(11-05-2019, 10:27 PM)DyssalC Wrote: Aside from that I'm fine with some sort of traitor roboticist kit containing this kind of thing, or just having it be its own roboticist item. A hacked cyborg module that has some nefarious tools.

I like this idea the most I think, maybe even a tool that lets you hack the module computer and gives you new modules that you can manually insert?
Syndicate Cyborg Module: Converts cyborg as though it was made with a Syndicate Borg chassis, grants cyborg a Uniquely combative set of tools.

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