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[Feature] Unstable Ectoplasm
This patch adds a new chem known as unstable ectoplasm.
This chem upon being splashed or otherwise applied to a wall causes a few effects to it:
  1. Allows you to move through it
  2. Allows air to move through it
  3. Allows critters to patch through it
  4. Allows you to see through it
  5. Makes the wall glow green for the duration
The duration of this effect is dependent on dosage 10u = 1 second (base dose is 10u)
The chem also has an unstable effect. Which produces a rad pulse (caused by not adding stabilizer)

The chem has a density, z level check and simulated (in that order).
The recipe is temporary currently:

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splash n yeet™:

unstabilized effect (in a grenade):

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