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Major Changing button send-signal attempts filtering of input string
Attempting to set a button's send-signal to something with an & in it (a very important thing in MechComp!!!) filters it to &
I've looked at MechComp HTML escaping a while ago because of this bug and it's quite a mess. Things are escaped where they shouldn't and not escaped where they should. Like for example if you catch packets sent by the pump control computer there's "&parameter" in there which gets displayed as "¶meter" because the & doesn't get escaped. IIRC a temporary workaround is to use "%26" instead of &.
tested %26, looks like that's broken as well

moonlol and i tested this in the exact same round on the main server, and somehow got two different results: moonlol got the correct signal of "&", while i got "&"
i have no idea what could possibly cause this to happen, but maybe that helps
both of us did the same thing of
1. right-clicking the button with multitool
2. changing send-signal in the context menu that comes up
I was using a button to send packets yesterday and I had no issues. The only difference might be that I was copy/pasting from a file instead of typing the character directly.

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