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Antag Tokens should respect your prefs
If that were the case we'd need to somewhat revise the way we give out tokens. That ups their power from "Oh hey so I get to go again" to "Server blew up, I get to decide what we're playing next!" which is like, honestly, really overpowered and doesn't seem fair. In addition, if two people redeem, one is going to complain that theirs got refunded instead.

I'm really sorry for anyone who's been stockpiling them assuming that there's going to be an arbitrary code change to make them more valuable.

I'm all for something that fails if it doesnt match your prefs, and so far Birb has the best middle take IMO. If you're dead set on your choice of antag, you can activate it, and if that round already happenned to choose a matching one, congrats you're in. If not, enjoy observing, so you can't use the knowledge ingame.

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RE: Antag Tokens should respect your prefs - by warcrimes - 08-06-2019, 03:48 PM

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