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Minor Mineral Magnet... glitch?
So, was on Goon1 the other day doing my mining thing... when I noticed that when I activated the magnet, a small 1x3 chunk of space along the magnet boundary had seemingly glitched out, and I was able to pass through the ACTIVE mineral magnet field. I'm attaching a few screenshots that I took to help show what I'm talking about. I was even able to mine the asteroids while the magnet was still up, though in those screenshots I'm adding where that is evidenced, the magnet shut off between 1-5 seconds after I bashed in those rocks for that sweet sweet ore.




So... I'm not entirely sure how this happened. From what I can see, a previous asteroid had appeared under the catwalk, and that perhaps caused the mining boundary to glitch out? First time this whole scenario has happened in my experience, but the big asteroid appearing under the catwalk isn't new, and I've seen it quite often. Is it something one should worry for, or not worry about yet?


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