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[Feature] Science loot crate with high tier medicine
Adds a second medium-tier science loot crate alongside the existing bear-in-a-crate. The crate contains one of each of the following items:
  • Salbutamol Reserve Tank
  • Omnizine Reserve Tank
  • Atropine Reserve Tank
  • Pentetic Acid Reserve Tank
  • Morphine Reserve Tank
  • Hypospray
Currently untested as I am unable to run BYOND at this time. 

Reserve tank addition:

Loot crate addition:
One minor issue I can see is that I'm fairly certain morphine and atropine cannot be used in a (non-emagged) hypospray
Well heck, okay. Would it be fair to have the hypospray actually start emagged as it's a higher-level crate, or should there just be a syringe in the crate alongside the hypo?
The addition of a 100u tank of Omnizine is a bit over the top; it renders every other chem in this crate useless.
In the currently available crates, you have a 1-in-so-many chance of finding a crate with between 2 to 10 'white berries' (and nothing else), from which 3 to 9 units of Omnizine could be extracted, provided you managed to get them to an extractor.

The Emagged Hypospray is more valuable still. You know why corridors are usually 3 tiles wide? Why on EVERY space station 13 server, personal space is a bit of a premium? Why some people build entire autism forts for them and them alone?
It's because if you stand on a tile next to somebody, you are in range of the dreaded sleepy pen and an Emagged Hypospray is essentially just that.
It should never be 'just found'.

If you removed the Omnizine, the Hypospray and did not add a syringe, the contents of this crate would be quite valuable. Less directly usable, but still valuable.

All things said, and if you have some time, there is a thread discussing additions to QM crates and iirc another for loot-crates. You might want to look at those for ideas for a 'pack of new loot crates'-patch.
That's a fantastic explanation of the ramifications of the contents of this patch. I'll have a look at that thread and modify this patch to include the ones that have good arguments for them!

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