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Let people set their own avatars on the forums
As a clown I vote to keep it as it is. There is something truly charming and quite intriguing to see everyone's avatar. Instead of seeing something they want us to see, it feels like we are seeing someone else sees them as.

For the most part the admins have picked something that fits the person that asked for one. Be it in name or personality. This has given meaning to the avatars in a way that anime or memes could NEVER live up to.

They are not perfect. They are not what we would have chosen ourselves. But sometimes limitations, imperfection and being represented not by what you think you are but what other think you are, has its place.

For me I was actually found it really cool that we cannot choose our own avatars. it gives the forums a certain sense of vibe. That Goon™ Flavor of sass and silly.

There is nothing like SS13, and there is no other place in SS13 that has the Goon™ sass.

To keep Goon Goon we gotta keep the Goon things that are Goony and makes Goon Goon. Avatars goon goon forums quite up to goon levels and degooming the avatar sass would just take away one of those goony things.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Let people set their own avatars on the forums - by EristheSlackWyrm - 11-03-2018, 08:06 AM

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