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Minor Pipebomb shrapnel can go through shuttle walls.
See title. I was in the security room in the shuttle when a pipebomb went off in the main area, and I still got hit by shrapnel.
LOS checks for shrapnel are based on sight. (for example if you see a bomb explode on the other side of a window, shrapnel can still hit you).
while it's technically possible, more accurate LOS checks would be much slower than using byond's builtin view() function.

edit : for clarification, shrapnel does not behave as a projectile would. instead anybody within range takes shrapnel immediately on explosion. We could maybe change this part
Pipe bombs do damage based on explosion force and shrapnel is an additional effect, right?

I guess you could generate projectiles at the explosion site and just have them spread out? Wasn't there a bug with the stinger grenades that you could detonate them in hand and be fine because of weird shrapnel stuff?

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