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Make flushing an explosive down a toilet do something amusing
Like, say, suddenly spraying a bunch of water from every other toilet/sink/showerhead on the station (along with any reagents that are in them, if any)
good idea berrik
Have it trigger the explosion but render the toilet it was flushed down invincible, resulting in a perfectly preserved toilet floating in a crater.
Thumbs Up 
I like this idea.

It'd get run into the ground so hard.

but I like it.
Shove the nuke down the toilet
hm hm but gentlemen

what about

chem beaker bombs into the toilet

does the foam flood thru the entire invisible plumbing system, or does the water dilute it too much?
That reminds me. How do y'all feel about hooking up toilets to the disposal system? As in, flushing things would be like sending it down a garbage chute and it'll end up at the crusher
(05-18-2017, 09:58 AM)misto Wrote: hm hm but gentlemen

what about

chem beaker bombs into the toilet

does the foam flood thru the entire invisible plumbing system, or does the water dilute it too much?

i FEEL this with all my heart. 
All toilets should flush into a common invisible container, with each flush also adding a certain amount of water as well as whatever was flushed. Flushed stuff remains irretrievable, but if you dump a bunch of chems in different toilets they should react, and if violently enough, should backflow up a certain amount of the products into every toilet. If the reaction is exceptionally violent, 1x2 explosion at each toilet head, destroying the porcelain. 

this brings new strats for sending chems to inmates, or just mucking up someone's hiding spot.
flush potassium/caesium, boom, all the toilets are gone
(05-19-2017, 09:59 AM)awfulworldkid Wrote: flush potassium/caesium, boom, all the toilets are gone

well ideally they'd react with the water already in the bowl and just blow your own two arms off for being a jackoff
(05-18-2017, 10:08 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: That reminds me. How do y'all feel about hooking up toilets to the disposal system? As in, flushing things would be like sending it down a garbage chute and it'll end up at the crusher

I feel good about it. My non-existent poo needs somewhere to go.

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