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is lljk dead
stamina? obviously the more recent change to blame would be the drag speed thing that makes it impossible to save anyone from anything without painting a giant target on your ass for whoever or whatever just crippled them
(05-09-2017, 03:12 AM)misto Wrote: stamina? obviously the more recent change to blame would be the drag speed thing that makes it impossible to save anyone from anything without painting a giant target on your ass for whoever or whatever just crippled them

Yeah but please understand it was all so we would finally use the forklift :/
people would use the forklift a lot more if you could emag it and use it to slaughter people

but yeah id like to restate that its pretty discouraging to no longer be able to pull someone away from a murderer and patch them up now that said murderer can leisurely jog up behind you and rupture your kidneys. and they dont even need to be hopped up on drugs for the speed boost anymore, not that it doesnt help
(05-09-2017, 03:33 AM)misto Wrote: people would use the forklift a lot more if you could emag it and use it to slaughter people

If you're asking for fun your asking for too much.
Mystery Solved

Good job team.

Seems like people just like to pick one thing they don't like and project it onto others as their reason for "leaving" the game. Maybe people just move on with their lives.
unpleasant mechanical changes can help contribute to peoples decision of whether its time to move on frown i regularly take breaks of several months from the game and every time i come back to visit it feels like less and less folks about frown frown frown

i bet its them new fangled free to play games. all the youngins are off playing dota 2 and heroes of the storm instead of good old space station 13
Make the telsci zones far easier to access, IMO. Put the quantum telescope back in science, and add the zones as locations on that instead of obscure things you need to calculate. It may now be NEW content, but it's content that a lot of people miss because it's a dick to get to.
The problem with making existing things easier is that it pisses off people who put in the effort to learn the hard way. Moving some of the easier telesci areas to the quantum telescope might work, but the hard ones need to stay on the teleporter.
why are you assuming ppl would be pissed

if anything they might have a little fun showing the new kids how to get eaten by yetis less rapidly
(05-09-2017, 05:33 AM)awfulworldkid Wrote: The problem with making existing things easier is that it pisses off people who put in the effort to learn the hard way. Moving some of the easier telesci areas to the quantum telescope might work, but the hard ones need to stay on the teleporter.

For every one person it annoyed, there'd be four new people experiencing the content.
Every sane person uses utilities for telsci anyways.

> Test the z level on the teleporter console until it's valid. There's only three, and they're one after another. Start with the lowest available z; that's the station z. The adventure z is z+1, and the derelict z is z+2.
> Set x and y to 50 and test scan again. If all three are valid then you're set. If not, then bump the invalid coord up and down 'till it is.
> Go here. The map is wrong, but it doesn't matter. Write the console coords into the 1st set of input coords on the website.
> Grab two GPS devices. Rename one - I use FART or BUTT.
> Throw the renamed GPS onto the pad and 'send'. Activate the unnamed GPS in hand to bring up a list of other GPS devices - look for your renamed device, and plop those coords into the 1st set of output coords on the website - then 'receive' your GPS.
> Now, move the x and y coords on the teleporter console up one. Write those coords into the 2nd set of input coords on the website. 'Send' the GPS.
> Check your unnamed GPS to see the new coords and plop that into the website's 2nd set of output coords.

The website is primed. Now check your GPS for coords in 'restricted' areas. Plop those into the the website's 'convert coordinates' area. Put the translated numbers into the console. 'Restricted' areas are adventure zones, so bump your z up by one. Test the coords. If everything checks out, then happy adventuring.

I probably shouldn't write miniguides when I've been up over 30 hours. Anyways, I'm definitely on board with making them more public access. Possibly more dangerous too. As they are, they're mostly just used as loot chests.
Hi, I'm an official sol nerd and I wholeheartedly support removing the need to use the telepad to actually travel to the various adventure locations.

Our sense of accomplishment comes from actually completing the telesci zones, not just finding the entrance.

The sol crew is almost dead, so anything that could bring new life to it is a good thing in my book.

Besides, even if every other remaining sol nerd absolutely hated this change, there's only 6-8 of them left anyway.
a not so official person who hates himself i think adding them to the long range tele is a good idea gives the people who dont want to learn how to use the tele a way to get on the adventure zones but still limit some of them to be tele only and some that you can get to by using both of them.
I'd like to have all the zones still be accessible by telepad, but I don't want any particular areas to be telepad exclusive except, perhaps, the solarium itself.

If the solarium is made telepad exclusive, there needs to be some indicator on the long range teleporter as to WHY it can't be reached.
(05-09-2017, 07:08 AM)Vitatrol Wrote: Every sane person uses utilities for telsci anyways.

TBH I thinkĀ it's a design problem if you have to use an external program to use the system to it's fullest. I know that utility has the admins blessings, but it still feels incredibly metagamey to me.

If every sane person uses a utility, why not change the system so it's easier to use?

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