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Major Botany gene strains bug
If a plant develops a new gene, that gene will retroactively appear in all the seeds and plants from its family tree. 

So for example, I plant some weed. I get my first harvest, and I plant some more weed from a seed from that harvest. That second weed plant ends up getting the stunted yield gene, and - voila! - my first plant and all its seeds from its first harvest end up getting the stunted yield mutation as well. Which is really quite annoying. 

Second example: I have a grape plant named Purple. I harvest Purple (and they die) and extract one of the bunches of grapes to get some seeds. I plant one of those seeds - it's Purple Junior. Purple Junior develops the seedless gene strain. All the bunches of grapes from Purple's harvest and the rest of the seeds I extracted magically develop the seedless gene strain as well. And Purple's bloodline is slated for termination.

I searched the forums and a similar bug was posted, but it was about plant mutations. Here's the thread (their example is more succinct than mine):
Oh my god I thought I was just not paying attention and that I'd accidentally artificially selected a crappy strain for a few generations. This explains so much.
(04-25-2017, 01:50 PM)Mordent Wrote: Oh my god I thought I was just not paying attention and that I'd accidentally artificially selected a crappy strain for a few generations. This explains so much.

Yeah, this has been happening to be for such a long time, and I've always assumed that I've just been very very careless it's okay, he'll be up again before you know it
[Insert gripe about not being able to continuously breed seeds together to make megaplants with all the reagents in them here]
Last time I met with the secret circle of Senior Botanists they said this was a feature and had been in the game for as long as they can remember. It's especially annoying when you finally get a good crop going and all of a sudden every seed has the "seedless" gene.
(04-26-2017, 04:39 PM)Arborinus Wrote: secret circle of Senior Botanists

Tell me more All Ears spider

(04-26-2017, 04:39 PM)Arborinus Wrote: they said this was a feature and had been in the game for as long as they can remember

But should it really be considered a feature? It doesn't really add that much to the game (aside from the annoyance and irritation at having your work spoiled due to something you can't control), and just renders good botanist practices (such as keeping a seed bank) moot.
If it's a feature then it's breaking my realism, man, not in a good way.

I vote fix if possible, thanks.
Should be fixed. Botanists, rejoice!

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