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Ideas of questionable quality
stepping on mild enough landmines or landmine type traps when wearing clown shoes and flippers could give a chance at resisting the effects, as the tip of the shoe/flipper is blown off, but your real foot is safe farther back
Any positions not filled by at least one player at round start have a Shitty Bill-like clone spawn at their post.

AI included.
(04-20-2017, 12:47 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Any positions not filled by at least one player at round start have a Shitty Bill-like clone spawn at their post.

AI included.

There's a NPC in the code called "Myke" who could probably fill that role. Not sure what his story is though.

            src.gender = "male"
            src.real_name = "Myke"


            src.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/red(src), slot_shoes)

            src.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/clothing/under/color/lightred(src), slot_w_uniform)

            src.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/clothing/mask/breath(src), slot_wear_mask)
            src.internal = src.back
        if (..(parent))
            return 1
        src.weakened = 5
            spawn(0) emote(pick("giggle", "laugh"))
            spawn(0) src.say(pick("You guys wanna hear me play bass?", stutter("HUFFFF"), "I missed my AA meeting to play Left 4 Dead...", "I got my license suspended AGAIN", "I got fired from [pick("McDonald's", "Boston Market", "Wendy's", "Burger King", "Starbucks", "Menard's")]..."))
(04-20-2017, 01:40 PM)Arborinus Wrote:
(04-20-2017, 12:47 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Any positions not filled by at least one player at round start have a Shitty Bill-like clone spawn at their post.

AI included.

There's a NPC in the code called "Myke" who could probably fill that role. Not sure what his story is though.

            src.gender = "male"
            src.real_name = "Myke"


            src.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/red(src), slot_shoes)

            src.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/clothing/under/color/lightred(src), slot_w_uniform)

            src.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/clothing/mask/breath(src), slot_wear_mask)
            src.internal = src.back
        if (..(parent))
            return 1
        src.weakened = 5
            spawn(0) emote(pick("giggle", "laugh"))
            spawn(0) src.say(pick("You guys wanna hear me play bass?", stutter("HUFFFF"), "I missed my AA meeting to play Left 4 Dead...", "I got my license suspended AGAIN", "I got fired from [pick("McDonald's", "Boston Market", "Wendy's", "Burger King", "Starbucks", "Menard's")]..."))
That seems cool. Could make a different set of phrases for different departments, and just have him spawn with the appropriate uniform and get busy takin' up space.
I would love to see NPCs scattered about the ship/station. Especially on Cog2: sitting on a toilet, hanging at the bar, staring into space in a tunnel or two, taking a nap in the crew quarters.
(04-21-2017, 06:35 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: I would love to see NPCs scattered about the ship/station. Especially on Cog2: sitting on a toilet, hanging at the bar, staring into space in a tunnel or two, taking a nap in the crew quarters.

More free changeling/vampire/blob snacks. Delicious.
Give people antag tokens for their birthday.

Something something this thread something idea workshop.
a nearly harmless bb gun

only nearly, because there is always the risk that you may shoot your eye out

appears from stocking and wrapped presents
A laser pointer. You point it at something and it puts a red dot on it. The dot gets shakier the further away from you it is. Makes a brief trail when you aim it somewhere else. Attracts cats and critters and monkeys the dot. Can be used to trick monkeys into attacking things. Can cause eye damage if shone in someone's face. Illegal to shine at space by order of space FAA.

Can be upgraded with lenses and batteries to change the color and brightness, as well as make them heat things from across the room. Telecrystal lenses would send the beam somewhere else, and some other crystal would let it cool things at a distance.
(04-22-2017, 03:42 PM)Superlagg Wrote: A laser pointer. You point it at something and it puts a red dot on it. The dot gets shakier the further away from you it is. Makes a brief trail when you aim it somewhere else. Attracts cats and critters and monkeys the dot. Can be used to trick monkeys into attacking things. Can cause eye damage if shone in someone's face. Illegal to shine at space by order of space FAA.

Can be upgraded with lenses and batteries to change the color and brightness, as well as make them heat things from across the room. Telecrystal lenses would send the beam somewhere else, and some other crystal would let it cool things at a distance.
Syndicate Laser pointer blinds people temporarily and does burn damage.
Jury rigged laser pointers that explode.
What's crazy is that I think a laser pointer is actually implementable. A system for the pointer dot is already implemented to some degree, with both stickers and that thingy where items go exactly where you click on tables. That said, it also seems like it'd be a lot of work to make in terms of what's gained from implementing it.
Revenge gamemode: The diner crew is pissed: It is always used for experiments or killed first by vampires/lings. This time they allied with various forces to put an end to the station.
3 players are choosen and given a random humanoid antagonist (traitor, ling, vampire, etc.) role as a diner crew. Their goal is to, well, get their revenge.
Polymorphing a cyborg will turn them into one of the types of small robots.
(04-22-2017, 08:19 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: Polymorphing a cyborg will turn them into one of the types of small robots.
The thought of a cyborg getting polymorphed into a buttbot cracks my shit up. Especially if complete with 'accent'.
do what a couple other servers do with emotes. using me and then a thing just does "Nathan Dunkleman a thing"

but using say *athing does the emote if its already a thing, so like say *fart would still fart, but emote fart would just do Nathan Dunkleman fart.

For custom emotes, basically, cause right now our custom emote system is a butt

edit: also make the cloner not give health implants to corpses

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