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Bombs are horrible. Let's nerf bombs.
Assembling a 12x12 bomb is not a hard task. They fit in a backpack, so they won't be a huge glowing sign that calls "shithead ahoy" on you.

There are people who still think suicide bombing is ok.

And then there are those who will blow up a bomb whenever they deem to have the slightest justification.
Rogue AI? Let's bomb it, and who cares if the bomb hits engineering and eva too.
Someone is beating me up? Payback is a bomb.
Did I blow up a main corridor or an important area? But it's not my fault, I was attacked first.

I wouldn't mind losing 12x12s, and having the hard-cap on explosion limited to what nuke bombs do. It's smaller and less random, but will still demolish a large area, when you need it gone.

Then there was Cogwerks' idea for canister bombs, which Marquesas coded.
I know that they were meant to be larger than 12x12. But why not put them in with this radius, until someone sorts out explosion lag?
At least half their appeal is having a huge blinking object that says RUN AWAY, DANGER. And using them as a lure or a diversion. Not strictly to blow half the station to the sky.
I never really see bombs used when I play. I've even had a round where I sold a large number of bombs to random people and still did not see a single explosion. I think that you are exaggerating the misuse of bombs quit a bit.
I figured the canister bombs would be used for bomb squad type fun.

Greg Nexttadie says "which wire do I cut"
Perrywinkle Honkerson says"BLUE WIRE, HONK"
Captain Greg says"NO DON'T CUT THE...UGH"
AI "Looks like the bomb squad failed"
Preid Wrote:I never really see bombs used when I play. I've even had a round where I sold a large number of bombs to random people and still did not see a single explosion. I think that you are exaggerating the misuse of bombs quit a bit.
Yeah. I just don't see them that often, there seems to be a kind of unspoken mutually assured destruction at work. When traitors do use them, I more often see a terrifically planned and co-ordinated series of cross-station bombings that bring the crew to their knees in the space of a few terrifying minutes, and it happens rarely enough that it isn't really annoying. Bombs are fun.
A few bad eggs shouldn't allowed to spoil it for everyone. Don't give in to the viewpoint of "someone abused this, so now no one can have it".

There's a reason we have admins. This is it.

Bombs are fine the way they are, although personally i'd like them to take a little longer to make, and not be so forgiving of bad mixes.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:Exactly what I was going to say and a smart thing.
hardcap transfer valve bombs at MAX 7x7, reduce (or remove) RD bomb, it's only there for shitheads to be a shithead with it and it's useless since the singularity is gone, and introduce canister bombs with the ability to scale to 13x13
Marquesas Wrote:hardcap transfer valve bombs at MAX 7x7, reduce (or remove) RD bomb, it's only there for shitheads to be a shithead with it and it's useless since the singularity is gone, and introduce canister bombs with the ability to scale to 13x13
Lets not cap at 7x7, instead just let Admins do that one thing they always do and is in their position's name. The RD bomb is long gone, replaced by Heisenbee. The fact that you had no idea that the RD bomb was gone sorta makes me doubt your frame of reference.
Bombs seem fine to me. Really the only time I've seen them used on cogmap is when I'm the one doing the bombing.

With the new station layout and the smaller number of transfer valves available down to 5
(unless you're a bit more clever about obtaining them)
the bombs are far less destructive to the station as a whole. Not like in mushroom, where a single bomb anywhere cuts the entire station in half. The fact is, a single 11x11 bomb just looks devastating. Anyone not in the immediate blast area can repair it in a few minutes with just an air tank and a mask (space suit not required), those in the blast area can be treated, cloned or borged, those in the blast area and not directly on or adjacent to the bomb will PROBABLY survive provided they're in a spacesuit. And often a single bomb's damage can be quickly repaired by just one dedicated engineer, cyborg or lone assistant with an air tank, but no one bothers and the shuttle is immediately called by the AI.

Multiple simultaneous blasts are of course much harder to repair, but again, I've only really seen this happen on cogmap when I've carefully orchestrated it myself, and that's not too frequent. And non-traitor suicide bombings? Lame and bannable. But then so is Forced Borging, pipe bombing, turning the AI rogue or One human laws, deadly chemical smoke, toolboxing, shooting up escape with pod-weapons etc. So adminhelp that if it happens from a non-traitor, just like anything else.
BlackPhoenix Wrote:
Marquesas Wrote:hardcap transfer valve bombs at MAX 7x7, reduce (or remove) RD bomb, it's only there for shitheads to be a shithead with it and it's useless since the singularity is gone, and introduce canister bombs with the ability to scale to 13x13
Lets not cap at 7x7, instead just let Admins do that one thing they always do and is in their position's name. The RD bomb is long gone, replaced by Heisenbee. The fact that you had no idea that the RD bomb was gone sorta makes me doubt your frame of reference.

there's still the RD bomb on Zeta which any skilled teleterrorist can snag in moments *cracks knuckles*

I think it would be cool if bombs or maybe a variant of bombs did less damage to floors and more to everything around them so folks could use bombs to break into a specific area or kill a bunch of people all at once without creating an impassable space void that is too laggy for anyone to ever want to bother patching up
mozi Wrote:there's still the RD bomb on Zeta which any skilled teleterrorist can snag in moments *cracks knuckles*

Bah, that's a 3x3. As a wise woman once said: Ain't nobody got time for that.
Bombs are easy to make and easy to carry around hidden. They cause a disproportionate amount of damage for the trouble they require. They are just a lazy way to punch big holes in the station floor.

7x7 would still enough to tear open any corridor and most rooms in the station.
It will cut down on the amount of "collateral" damage, and require people to be more precise with bombs; and with a smaller gib or instant death area, less people will get killed by a random jackass.

If you want to go the extra mile and get a really big blast, you would have to take your chances with a harder to make and more easily detectable bomb.
It's too bad pipebombs can't be remotely detonated.

There's something about planting a bunch of pipe bombs everywhere, and then spawning two syndicate pipe bombs, then saying "guess which bomb is real, lol" then remotely activating all of them at once which could be pretty funny.
mozi Wrote:an impassable space void that is too laggy for anyone to ever want to bother patching up

The lag is the real problem here. I know exactly when a bomb* goes off on the station even if I don't see or hear it, because that's when everything grinds to a halt and it suddenly takes several seconds to take a single step.

*)Or an erebite chain reaction in the roid field I guess. Do we still have those?
Darth Various Wrote:*)Or an erebite chain reaction in the roid field I guess. Do we still have those?

nah erebite was made into a gem instead of ore cause folks were sick of this

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