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Ideas of questionable quality
Upon stabilizing a dark anomaly, instead of fading away, it will shrink into a super-compressed rock that when hit with a syringe will extract somewhere around 1 to 5 or even 10u of dark matter.
Spraying silicate on lights should make them unbreakable. Can't smash them with heat or anything else.
(03-30-2017, 02:02 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote: Add a machine that converts from sheets,rods,glasses ect. of materials to bars of materials please.

The newish machine that converts ore to bars in mining (I forget the name, Nano-something) does this. Standard reclaimers do as well.

Rods/floor tiles would be a nice addition (divide amount by 2/4, respectively). I'm assuming by glasses you mean the ones you make in the Nano-fabricator?
(03-30-2017, 03:14 PM)Calebc789 Wrote: Upon stabilizing a dark anomaly, instead of fading away, it will shrink into a super-compressed rock that when hit with a syringe will extract somewhere around 1 to 5 or even 10u of dark matter.
Liquid dark matter is already super easy to make, if any chemical were to be extracted it should be something rarer than that.
(03-30-2017, 05:28 PM)Musketman12 Wrote:
(03-30-2017, 03:14 PM)Calebc789 Wrote: Upon stabilizing a dark anomaly, instead of fading away, it will shrink into a super-compressed rock that when hit with a syringe will extract somewhere around 1 to 5 or even 10u of dark matter.
Liquid dark matter is already super easy to make, if any chemical were to be extracted it should be something rarer than that.

Liquid spacetime?
Beerbong. Holds 100-400u. Oral intake. Adjustable intake rate. Must be still to use. Mission: to make you go from 0 to howthefuckaretheystillbreathing in a tick or two.


Could also just hold a container instead of having storage.
re-add poo
(03-31-2017, 06:45 AM)aft2001 Wrote: re-add poo

Hey now, April Fools Day isn't until tomorrow!
(03-30-2017, 03:29 PM)Mordent Wrote:
(03-30-2017, 02:02 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote: Add a machine that converts from sheets,rods,glasses ect. of materials to bars of materials please.

The newish machine that converts ore to bars in mining (I forget the name, Nano-something) does this. Standard reclaimers do as well.

Rods/floor tiles would be a nice addition (divide amount by 2/4, respectively). I'm assuming by glasses you mean the ones you make in the Nano-fabricator?

It would have to be 20/40 considering you can make 10 sheets with one bar at a general manufacturer. Unless the manufacturers are changed to use an entire bar per sheet.

The old reclaimers actually require these amounts
(03-31-2017, 08:49 AM)Dr Zoidcrab Wrote:
(03-30-2017, 03:29 PM)Mordent Wrote:
(03-30-2017, 02:02 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote: Add a machine that converts from sheets,rods,glasses ect. of materials to bars of materials please.

The newish machine that converts ore to bars in mining (I forget the name, Nano-something) does this. Standard reclaimers do as well.

Rods/floor tiles would be a nice addition (divide amount by 2/4, respectively). I'm assuming by glasses you mean the ones you make in the Nano-fabricator?

It would have to be 20/40 considering you can make 10 sheets with one bar at a general manufacturer. Unless the manufacturers are changed to use an entire bar per sheet.

The old reclaimers actually require these amounts

The problem's simply because of the mismatch in costs between the two different types.

In either case, while I've enjoyed abusing the heck out of the infinite materials "feature" it needs to go. Whether that means adjusting manufacturer costs (so that 1 bar => 1 sheet) or adjusting Nano-fabricator costs (so that 1 bar => 10 sheets, and 10 sheets => 1 bar for the Nano-whatever-the-thing-that-makes-bars-from-ores-is), I don't really care. The latter is definitely the easier task, but would make using manufacturers for making sheets redundant (the Nano-fabricator makes them instantly).

Heck, let's change things up here:
  • Manufacturers: 1 bar => 10 "material" => 10 sheets (1 "material" per sheet)
  • Reclaimers: 10 sheets => 1 bar, 20 rods => 1 bar, 40 floor tiles => 1 bar
  • Nano-make-ore-into-bars-thinger-seriously-what-is-this-called: 10 sheets => 1 bar, 20 rods => 1 bar, 40 floor tiles => 1 bar
  • Nano-fabricator: 1 bar => 5 sheets (increased from 1 bar => 1 sheet currently, better but is less efficient than using manufacturers at the expense of it being instant, and with change to the Nano-whatever is now a lossy process)

Idea: add the idea of "chunks" that are 1/10th of a bar. Nuggets (or stacks thereof) can be inserted into manufacturers, for 1 "material" each. You can eject fractions of bars from manufacturers now in the form of nuggets. Stacks of nuggets can be inserted into reclaimers/Nano-make-bars-from-ores to spit out bars (rounding down, so get your stacks nice numbers). Nuggets cannot be inserted into Nanofabricators.
f a r t m o s p h e r i c s

actual questionable idea though: random traitor item given to random non-antag crewmember at round start, to be used in any way they see fit whatsoever.

Also food as clothing for all food.
A traitor item that is basically a pack of one-shot cigarette guns that you can shoot when smoking, chambered in .22 caliber.
(04-01-2017, 09:13 PM)Calebc789 Wrote: A traitor item that is basically a pack of one-shot cigarette guns that you can shoot when smoking, chambered in .22 caliber.

How about a kinda variation on propuffs, since we've got exploding cigarettes?

You buy a pack of cigarettes that have random assortment of minor tricks and traps. 

Explosives, poisons, bullets, syringes, stims, sleepy gas etc
oh yeah I thought of a thing and forgot to post it. a cheap traitor item for all jobs. looks like a meteor shield, but when activated, the shield itself is a slightly different colour, and instead of blocking meteors, it draws them in (and maybe even speeds them up so they go further before breaking or something?). i say cheap cause it wouldnt be used very often, so probably like 2 tc
Loafing a solarium key should turn it into a loaf key/keyloaf that can unlock the loafer's true potential.

Whatever that is. (Also the loafer should explode to prevent it from being re-loafed and deleted, forcing you to have a backup loafer via mechanics)

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