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Non-damaging coffee OD effects
A random thought that came to mind watching people literally run coffee into their veins-Coffee is great as its role of the non-damaging stimulant, but it could use some thematics, and non-damaging OD effects would be hilarious.

Suggestions; Stammering, losing spaces between words(eventually all words at higher OD levels), randomly slamming your hands on surfaces near you, much more extreme vibration so that you jitter so hard you look like you're still sometimes(an excellent effect I've gotten before, with moonboots and coffee and sugar).

I'm not adverse to it gaining a bit of positive to go along with this either, though honestly it's easy enough to manage to not OD on that I don't think that's needed.

Mostly I just had the idddeaofsommeoneonlottsofcoffeetalkingglikethiss ANDMAYBBEESHOUTTINGSOMETIMES!!! and then slamming their hands on a table near them and it struck me as amazing.
I love this idea a lot, having a silly effect that is fitting for something like that doesn't sound like it'd be too bad.
As long as it doesn't fuck with my ability to play the game and have fun re: addiction vomitzone, I am all over this.
Yeah, I'm not for vomitzone, stuns, or damages when I suggest this.

Just goofy stuff. Maybe even make the OD pretty high-say, 40-so a single full cuppa doesn't trigger it, so it's something people get mostly when they want to.
A coffee overdose should make you randomly spout lines about brewing and roasts like a coffee snob.
(03-29-2017, 08:22 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: A coffee overdose should make you randomly spout lines about brewing and roasts like a coffee snob.

(03-29-2017, 03:53 PM)Wraithcraft Wrote:
(03-29-2017, 08:22 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: A coffee overdose should make you randomly spout lines about brewing and roasts like a coffee snob.


Once you get above like 100, you should have a chance to dump the cup out with some random complaint about it being shitty coffee.

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