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More pod items/customization
With the addition of the sensor system, and all these various armors and weapons, I thought it'd be nice to have a thread where we could suggest some extra pieces that might/might not get made and whatnot.

I'll start with two suggestions. First, I'm not sure if it's being worked on or not yet, but let us strip a pod's armor and replace it with another. As it is right now, you need to build an entirely new pod to make that happen. It would be great if you could unweld, wrench, wrench off the pod's armor(make it recoverable or not, I dunno), so you can add another one on top. I don't know how well this would work because it's a middle step for creating, and BYOND might force us to go back to that part to deconstruct, I dunno.

The second is to add a nerfed sensor system that only costs molitz and pharosium. It acts like pod mesons, but when you do a sensor sweep it only has a radius on 10-15 tiles. Maybe less, it should be enough so that you want to get the Conclave one as soon as you can.

So what do you guys think should be added?
What about a traitor pod component that would act kind of like a pod-mounted radbow. A device that, when activated, causes the pod to emit an invisible cone of radiation from the front of it, passing through walls. So, if you buzzed a room full of people with your pod and activated the device it essentially acts as though you radbowed all of them.
I'd like the ability to id lock pods so jerks can't immediately drive off with them.. though the lock should be hackable, so if you really want to steal that pod, you have to hack the id lock to do so
Nubcake Wrote:I'd like the ability to id lock pods so jerks can't immediately drive off with them.. though the lock should be hackable, so if you really want to steal that pod, you have to hack the id lock to do so

This is already being worked on and will be in soon.

I think I'll make pods start with a limited range, non-meson scanner by default, and have the Conclave be the nice upgrade. Doing sensor sweeps is too cool.
Microwave emitter: When pointed at a room it can cause the room temperature to go up depending on how long it's fired for.. Also messes with some electronic equipment.
atomic1fire Wrote:Microwave emitter: When pointed at a room it can cause the room temperature to go up depending on how long it's fired for.. Also messes with some electronic equipment.

No to both, heating a room would start wasting a lot of atmos processing cycles, and messing with electronics is pretty much the realm of EMP grenades and maybe some similar traitor stuff.
Clown pod that can carry all the nuclear operatives and maybe a bunch of prisoners.
More pod module suggestions: (podules?? Haw haw haw )

Repair pack: Repairs the drone fully, but can only be activated once.

Shield: encases the pod in a shield for 7 secs. The pod cannot fire or enter wormholes while it is in effect

Rocket pod: Contains 8 'mini' rockets that can be fired in a salvo, each rocket being similar to a pda explosion in strength?

Booster: speeds up pod movement for x amount of secs

Turret: replaces the main gun with a turret a passenger can sit in, fires in an arc where the 'gunner' clicks

Robotic arm: can grab/manipulate items and bring them into the cargo bay or drag them around

Jammer: makes the pod unable to show up on scans
Two suggestions: Make it possible to tape 2 of the same gun together to make them a pod weapon.

Add an "Alternating Fire Laser Array" that fires one side, then the other, like in a volley.
Shield already exists and just needs the graphic overlay updated to cover the 64x64 vehicles and some extra testing, won't take much time.

Boost is planned.

Cloaking device exists already and just needs an update.

A weak omni turret for the passenger to fire is also planned. I think I'll make two versions, one a phaser and a significantly pricier beam laser. DrawLine() beams are cool as hell but work better as click-targeted weapons than direct fire anyways. I've been intending to make a mining beam too.

There's an artillery weapon already in the game, you can buy it from the syndicate trader and it fires a pair of slow regular pipe-bomb strength shells. It costs a shitload though. I don't think a salvo of eight explosions in a row would be viable until explosion code is steamlined better.

Robotic arm would be pretty rad. I like that idea.
Thermal Scanners: Jail-broken Scanner that registers heat signatures showing mobs
Decoy Device: Like a Pod-Cloaker, but fires a replica of your pod that attracts drone fire
Pod-RCD: Self Explanatory, works as a "secondary system"
Pod Cargo Transporter: Same as Pod-RCD but transporter
Pod RCD is another of the things that already exists, but sucks. It'll get a revamp eventually.
Cogwerks Wrote:Shield already exists and just needs the graphic overlay updated to cover the 64x64 vehicles and some extra testing, won't take much time.

Boost is planned.

Cloaking device exists already and just needs an update.

A weak omni turret for the passenger to fire is also planned. I think I'll make two versions, one a phaser and a significantly pricier beam laser. DrawLine() beams are cool as hell but work better as click-targeted weapons than direct fire anyways. I've been intending to make a mining beam too.

There's an artillery weapon already in the game, you can buy it from the syndicate trader and it fires a pair of slow regular pipe-bomb strength shells. It costs a shitload though. I don't think a salvo of eight explosions in a row would be viable until explosion code is steamlined better.

Robotic arm would be pretty rad. I like that idea.

Nice to see you guys already have lots of neat ideas ready to implement! smile

My inspiration for the robot arm came from that fact that currently, if you are being a pod salvager and you spot a neat item you have to get out of the pod, unload the cargo pay, put the item in, then reload it. Kinda fiddly.

Also i remember seeing the ISS video where it had a robot arm and thinking that would be pretty cool

Ideally the robot arm would take place of a weapon or something
Hey Cogs, I can't remember if you said so in a round or not, but is there someone already working on being able to swap out a pod's armor as well?
I'll try to set up a way to deskin the pod and upgrade the armor, it shouldn't be too hard. My dang photoshop file for pods is already about seventy layers deep, but I can just make a stack of all the construction set pieces without the skin on I guess.

For the robot arm, I'm thinkin' it be pretty funny to have it look like a pair of Super Protector Friend's arms.
That'd take up the gun slot, but I've also been thinking of adding a weak cursor-aim defense turret or something that a passenger could use.

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