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Label syndicate implanters
Generally speaking labeling traitor items can be obnoxious for the traitor in question.
"Prae Sett has added syndicools to his backpack"? KILL HIM!
This is not the case with the new syndicrate whenever it contains an implanter.
And that's just it. It contains AN implanter. No indication of what is contained within the implanter, whether it's Freedom Implant or Mindslave Implant. One is useful on others and one is only really useful on yourself.
I've been on both ends of this now, once as a traitor with a mysterious unlabeled implanter and once as a mild-mannered non-traitor scientist who was injected with a freedom implant by an equally confused traitor.

Perhaps, if possible, the freedom implant should remain as it currently is and the Mindslave Implant could be replaced by the Spy Implanter but with only one charge? Though it might not be possible to add a time limit to that implant as with the current traitor Mindslave implant.

A simpler change: Have the implant kits be generated within an unlabeled internals box that contains:
1x Empty Implanter
1x Labeled Implant in Case (like the way the tracking/machinespeak/loyalty implants are)
I-Sett Wrote:Though it might not be possible to add a time limit to that implant as with the current traitor Mindslave implant.
OR alternatively we could remove the timer all together, because its dumb and only leads to people ratting their previous masters off in favor of the security teams donuts.
Nah, now there is a warning when the implant its wearing off. All your master has to do is tell you to let him know and he can reset it
Nitrous Wrote:
I-Sett Wrote:Though it might not be possible to add a time limit to that implant as with the current traitor Mindslave implant.
OR alternatively we could remove the timer all together, because its dumb and only leads to people ratting their previous masters off in favor of the security teams donuts.
The current implant lasts so long that I think it's pretty balanced. If you really need the HoS as your slave for more than 30-40 minutes, it's worth the six crystals to buy two.
Alternatively, if you have the HoS as your mindslave, it's probably quite easy getting access to medbay and just surgically removing it and reapplying it in due time.
To address the main issue, you could just have implanters examinable for the implant inside.

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