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Minor Petri Dishes are borked
Pathogen samples won't grow in petri dishes, even with all the nutrients and 5 units of pathogen. Tested on LLJK1.
I figured this out, I think. It depends on the order that you add the pathogen. You add the pathogen THEN the nutrients, and they'll grow. If you add the nutrients THEN the pathogen, it'll never grow. At least, this is how it worked a month or two ago.
(03-14-2017, 11:20 AM)Mageziya Wrote: I figured this out, I think. It depends on the order that you add the pathogen. You add the pathogen THEN the nutrients, and they'll grow. If you add the nutrients THEN the pathogen, it'll never grow. At least, this is how it worked a month or two ago.

I could've sworn it used to be the reverse of that.
The order is pathogen->growth->Nutrients. You likely put the wrong medium for the pathogen
Ah okay. I'll test this out when I can and edit the main post if I'm just being an idiot. Though, that doesn't make sense at all, to be honest.
I've experienced this bug many times. Usually I just scoop out the pathogen and use a different dish. You can tell it's happening if the nutrient counts never decrease.

Also because people seem to be tossing out all kind of orders of of's what I do in order....Take Clean dish add medium, add pathogen, spam beakers of additional nutrients, place on counter.
Yeah you guys were right. Though, this is still a bit annoying. It'd be nice to prepare a bunch of petri dishes to have at the ready.

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