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Ideas of questionable quality
(03-03-2017, 08:30 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Have the lighting in some rooms be motion-activated. They're off by default, then they turn on moments after someone enters. They'd also work with old-fashioned IR motion detectors, so borgs would have a harder time tripping the lights, while cloaked players would trigger the switch just fine, and panes of glass would block the sensor.

You can effectively do this with the MechComp components.

It's part of Stan B's Home Security Package. Also comes with flushers to wisk away would be pesky intruders. Call today for a free quote!

(02-26-2017, 12:18 PM)Studenterhue Wrote: Add an raven named Rick in the Crematorium so he and Morty can go on adventures across the galaxy with the chaplain.
youd think that, if anything, mainteance would be unshielded from blowouts and regular workplace rooms would be the shielded ones. all the nice equipment is in the regular workplace rooms

maybe rad blowout shielding could be an actual interactable/sabotage-able/buildable property that players can apply or remove from rooms rather than something applied to maintenance tunnels by arbitrary decision
Throwing stacks of cash at people should burst in their face, scattering all over the place in a cloud of credits.

A money gun. Load it with money and shoot dolla bills at people. Utterly harmless; harass the poor with your wealth. Configurable shot cost.
(03-04-2017, 11:16 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Throwing stacks of cash at people should burst in their face, scattering all over the place in a cloud of credits.

A money gun. Load it with money and shoot dolla bills at people. Utterly harmless; harass the poor with your wealth. Configurable shot cost.

its pay 2 play gun cant have it in
that would be fun but how are you gonna make the money burst and if people stack a insane amount of money it might lag if you make the money spread on the floor.

the gun should be bough from QM and it would cost a lot of money

also make vodka be a minor anti rad
radiation is not a big problem usually so why not give assistants a reason to walk around in rad storms

also its a reference

also i use also too much
Reminds me, I once had an idea for a traitor item that was infectious, explosive money.

Basically, if you tried to use the cash anywhere (Vending machines, ATMs, slots, merchants, etc.), it would explode, and if you stacked explosive money into a stack of cash, all money drawn from that stack would also be explosive. Maybe throw in a remote trigger to detonate all the explosive money at once for extra carnage and coder headache.
(03-04-2017, 04:56 PM)HotCoffeeMug Wrote: that would be fun but how are you gonna make the money burst and if people stack a insane amount of money it might lag if you make the money spread on the floor.
Divide money per shot by 5 and spread it evenly into 5 stacks arranged like so:


Clicking a welding tool on a bot should weld the bot in place.
only if you weld em to the unerplating. if u weld em to the floortiles u just give em the ole floortilefeet
The ability to pick up dead handspiders. I want a handwich and I want it n.. well, whenever I can get it. I am the chef!
Add extended to the mode list of 2, with some modifications. It would start out as extended for, oh, half an hour? Then after that, random antags start coming in. This is because i like having a period of unsure peace, that some of the best antagonists are just regular crewmembers stirring up shit, but I don't want all the jittery action adventure types to get bored.
Loafing someone should transfer their consciousness into the resulting loaf or loaves, hivemind style. This would let your now loafed crewmates to talk through the loaf or something. If a loaf has a bunch of people inside it, turning it into nuggets would split them up into individual nuggets. Loafed monkeys should scream when thrown.

Also making a loaf out of soulsteel should let it be possessed by ghosts.
Make riot gear helmets block flashes; they seem about as dark as welding masks now.
add custom shuttles that you can buy there would be the normal ones and the traitor options.

the normal ones are pretty much the normal shuttle butt maybe they look diffrent and can have special stuff in them like example:
"Natures call"
the floor is grass and there are bushes around the place also a river runs in the middle of the shuttle.

then the traitor ones are only one time choosable ones that you can only get using a special keycard that you could buy for a huge amount of money from the listening outpost the shuttles have something special in them that makes them dangerous and they might have some other special things in them
Discount dans historical ride
a really old shuttle that looks like it is falling apart it is faster than the normal shuttle but after its take off the walls start to crumble and some pieces might be thrown into people also the take off flings people further doing more damage if not bucled.
this shuttle is the mystery shuttle you dont know what you will get and anything can be in it (nothing too bad though so it wont be a thing picked everytime) the shuttle was made in a hurry so it was made from scraps and what ever they had there to make it some flootr might bite you and maybe the char is not sturdy enough to support you and bevare the doors can bite you pretty bad

now i don't have better ideas so im leaving bye.

the idea here is that you put the bomb in it, or maybe tow/drag this thing onto a canister bomb, or it could be summonable like the portabrig, bolt it down, and it drastically reduces or negates the blast(possibly channeling it all out the bottom of the station, thru the floor, leaving at least a 1x1 hole).

the only part of this idea which is "questionable quality" is the fact that youre all master terrorists and dont leave the bomb squad any time to deploy anything
replace the crusher with a trash barge that hauls trash to a trash planet(also a new telesci area) the crusher can retire to a peaceful life in a holy trash temple on the trash planet

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