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New Genetics Research
I think that after you get every other research, there should be another T4 research that opens up after you get every other research, is prohibitively expensive, and exists to help you get rarer genes. It would be called Improved Scrambler Targeting and would massively increase the chance (like up to about 25-40%) that either a single specific gene that you've already researched or at least one gene that you haven't researched yet will show up the next time you use the 'Scramble' function. This would make it much less tedious to look for things like High Complexity DNA and specific mutations to use it on after you've already researched most things, and particularly rare mutations can be immune to it if not being would make them too overpowered. I suggest this because once you've put enough time into Genetics in a round it becomes less difficult and more tedious, and I've at least once sat there for an absurd length of time repeatedly scrambling a monkey in order to try and find High Complexity DNA, with no avail.
considering the steep prerequisites and high costs i suppose itd be worth adding experimentally. you can always remove things if they turn out to be shit
(03-01-2017, 03:36 PM)awfulworldkid Wrote: and I've at least once sat there for an absurd length of time repeatedly scrambling a monkey in order to try and find High Complexity DNA, with no avail.

High-Complexity DNA is exclusively in humans (I can't remember whether that includes NPC humans, and can't be bothered to look it up), but you'll never get it by scrambling monkey DNA. There's some flag on the various genes that sets this, and I'm pretty sure it was just High Complexity DNA that has that flag.

Of course, this is going off of the release code, so things may have changed.
(03-01-2017, 03:57 PM)Mordent Wrote:
(03-01-2017, 03:36 PM)awfulworldkid Wrote: and I've at least once sat there for an absurd length of time repeatedly scrambling a monkey in order to try and find High Complexity DNA, with no avail.

High-Complexity DNA is exclusively in humans (I can't remember whether that includes NPC humans, and can't be bothered to look it up), but you'll never get it by scrambling monkey DNA. There's some flag on the various genes that sets this, and I'm pretty sure it was just High Complexity DNA that has that flag.

Of course, this is going off of the release code, so things may have changed.

That's correct. High Complexity is a humans-only thing, though you can easily mass produce injectors of it and harvest it from monkeys after you've found it once, makes the combo genes vastly easier to produce.
(03-01-2017, 10:09 PM)Xaviens Wrote: That's correct. High Complexity is a humans-only thing, though you can easily mass produce injectors of it and harvest it from monkeys after you've found it once, makes the combo genes vastly easier to produce.


Disregarding the many other problems I have with this, it means that if you're on lowpop and none of the other 2-3 humans have HCD, it's literally impossible to find. Make HCD a secret mutation in monkeys, make it insanely rare in monkeys, but making it never show up in monkeys at all means that it can very easily be rendered completely impossible to get. In my opinion, that's a problem.
(03-02-2017, 10:19 AM)awfulworldkid Wrote:
(03-01-2017, 10:09 PM)Xaviens Wrote: That's correct. High Complexity is a humans-only thing, though you can easily mass produce injectors of it and harvest it from monkeys after you've found it once, makes the combo genes vastly easier to produce.


Disregarding the many other problems I have with this, it means that if you're on lowpop and none of the other 2-3 humans have HCD, it's literally impossible to find. Make HCD a secret mutation in monkeys, make it insanely rare in monkeys, but making it never show up in monkeys at all means that it can very easily be rendered completely impossible to get. In my opinion, that's a problem.

Why? You don't need it for anything, it just gives you a few more research options and speeds up getting combination genes. Low-pop rounds on LLJK1 don't need you reaching the "well, I did everything in my department" point any quicker. If you really care, I'm pretty sure you can get any of the 2-3 humans around and scramble their DNA a bunch. Promise them superpowers in exchange for being a guinea-pig for 10 minutes.

Also, I got bored at work and looked into it. Saurian Genetics (lizard-people) is also human only.
giving saurian genetics to monkeys should make them into a komodo dragon
Giving aquatic genetics to a saurian should turn them into a coelacanth.
Even if it won't apply for High Complexity DNA, the ability to track down mutations like that would be a huge help later on in rounds, since some of the cooler stuff is rare enough that you can scramble 5-10 times and not get it. Also, you don't end up with nearly enough chromosomes: I suggest stopping activators from giving you free unlocks after you've got a set number of them or making you less likely to get them as you get more of them, and severely reducing your chance to get bonus materials after you're over your limit. Possibly also let you combine unwanted chromosomes to make one new one of your choice, and/or letting you combine several of one type of chromosome and several of another to make a single combination chromosome, which would let you add multiple chromosome to the same gene if you have spare chromosomes and materials/time to burn. Lock all of it behind researches.

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