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Worst Moments Ever
Due to some weird shit, the chef was somehow able to make peanuts with an absurd amount of sugar in them. Said peanuts were forcefed to me by some dickhead assistant, causing me to go into hyperglycemic shock and lay on the floor for the rest of the round. This ended in a radiation pulse, and I was microwaved to death while the chaplain tried desperately to drag my ass into a maint tunnel.
When I figured out how to make sarin, I wanted to put it on some drinks and just watch people come up for a drink. Too bad someone, i think they were an admin, was the president of the catering district and came inside the bar. And got inside within the sarins cooking zone, so he got poisoned. That was my first time being hunted down by security for an assholdewalking into where they should not be. This was in LLJK2 by the way.
Wow, I think I topped my walling myself off as a fluke ops in the wrong bomb spot story for my worst traitor round. 

I spend about 25 minutes making a mob of tesla buddies, I've done nothing else all round, then the AI calls the shuttle 2 minutes later at the 27 minute mark, one of the earliest shuttle calls I've seen in a while. Apparently the bar got bombed or something. I say over the radio don't call it but a bunch of other people want it called. 

So I'm rushing my ass off trying to get these buddies killing ASAP. I didn't realize that the buddy kits come with drained batteries so when I emp them in a rush trying to beat the shuttle I hit the buddy station apc as well which meant they couldn't be charged. I could have probably jury rigged a new charging setup if the shuttle hadn't been called so early into the round, but at that point the shuttle was almost there.

25 minutes of prep only to lose every bit of progress i made to a premature shuttle call and I wind up accomplishing literally nothing for the entire round. Even if it had gone perfectly everyone would have already been on the shuttles and on the way to centcomm by the time I could have gotten the buddies patrolling the halls.
Augh, I hate when that happens. Kinda makes me hesitate before trying some awesome plan that requires a bit of setup, since at any point some bozo might declare "shift sux" and abort the round in the middle of your setup. I mean, yeah, you could always do it faster, but where's the heart in that?
So I was a Clown with all access, and I went to Screw around with the AI, Eventually the AI decided to WALL ME INTO A CORNER OF THE UPLOAD, had I not ordered them to let me out they said they were going to crusher the Shell the used, which really screwed with my plans.
Sorry Crazyabe, that was me. It was a busy round with several people breaking into my Upload.

A honk every single sentence law didn't help that, despite the fact it was only temporary as someone else fixed it.

Looking back on that, I did take that a little far. Sorry.
Eh, I've had a few worse rounds, but over all that was just terrible, within my top 5.
Hey guys, remember when Osiris was a vampire?
I'm trying out artlab while everyone else is running to the chapel because I just wanna do research man.
Turns out Rain was killed by a ling and this made for an angry Osiris.
Osiris eventually warps into the lab probably with intent to attack so I scream and run out and tell everyone he's there.
Only one guy listened and vigilante'd his way in to stop Osiris but then he got flashed.
I run back in to get him out only to be met with a stun round and a nice bat gnawing on me.
I escape and get synthflesh'd back to health and ran around looking for Osiris.
At some point the Captain was killed and shoved into his locker, unknown to the crew.
We all got scanned into the cloner in case bad things happen.
Soon while trying to disarm Osiris of his Egun he inflicts Grave Fever and I slowly limp my way to medical.
Medical freaks out and starts doing surgery (???) even though I've told them repeatedly to just let me die and clone me.
Rain is soon found dead near the space diner and people manage to get her cloned to calm down Osiris, as well as cloning everyone else involved in his rampage.
Except me. Everyone forgot about me.
Sitting in dead chat with the Captain, I got Osiris to notice the spinning chair, which prompted him to go retrieve the Captain's body.
Osiris sends the body down the morgue chute and says "Here you go medical, see what you can do with it."
I tell the dead captain to remind people to clone me when he gets cloned, and he agrees.
The roboticist finds the body in the morgue, tries cloning, can't because necrosis, and tosses it back into the morgue. He didn't bother trying to borg the captain.
At some point the cryo unit got vented which prompted a shuttle call on top of the other damage, all while someone kept yelling to recall the shuttle because they claimed they could fix it.
I cry.
The hilarious part is that poor ling never got to suck my DNA. We both died in space because apparently grabs just launch people.
Got a ling round on destiny, sting and disrobes an officer, proceed to get validhunted
A long, long time ago, when antags would team up to wreak havoc...

I spawned and visited medbay. Unfortunately the entire medical stuff had rolled traitor that day and some of them shared the objective to kill me. I was completely helpless as I got poisoned, stabbed, injected, and murdered by the entire medical team.
It was a few months ago now, but I remember a round where the local silent murderboner also happened to be a thinkDOS nerd, and set up a program that would automatically recall the shuttle whenever we tried to call it. The round dragged on long after the traitor was killed because of this until the borgs got fed up and smashed every personal computer on the station and thew all the laptops in the crusher to disable the autorecaller.
Thats just a huge dick move.
I was trying to get a bunch of pathogen samples on LLJK1 to use to find a beneficial symptom.

After a long time trying, I got the crate of samples from the debris field and take them back to Destiny. I splice them all together, then I accidentally ruin my petri dish of pathogen by putting the wrong growth medium in.

Then I remembered I had the samples that spawned in the lab left. I spliced those all together and put them into a petri dish. Then I encountered a bug where if you refill a growth medium beaker with nutrients and attempt to fill a petri dish, it ruins the petri dish.

I was about ready to give up, until I realized there were still a few samples on the other place in the debris field. I flew out, got the samples, and came back. Spliced them all together, then...

The DNA is destabilized and destroyed by the radiation.

This was when I was almost entirely done getting the parameters to where I wanted them. Sometimes pathology sucks.

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