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Problem: Guardbuddies are rarely used. This is a SUPER shame, as they're coded very well and quite fleshed out in general.
Reason: Literally other than the Captain, the HoP and (technically) the HoS, they are toys for the RD. The Research Director rarely uses them, as he's often participating in the other sciences.
The Solution: Give them to the Roboticists, put a computer with buddy access in/around robotics. They're housed right beside them for crying out loud.

Problem with The Solution #1: The Guardbuddies are robust
Reason: The PR-6 Guardbuddies are pretty damn strong, they can tank a few laser hits, before exploding violently. They will chase relentlessly their target, and are often armed with serious tools. So understandably giving them to the roboticists would be a bad idea if done outright.
Solution: Make Guardbuddies have two frames; light and heavy. Ol' Harner starts with heavy, but all the others start with light frames. Light frames are more easily destroyed, and make a much smaller boom. I'd be relatively easy to sprite a lighter frame, i'll give it a whirl. The box in the guardbuddy rooms starts with another light frame, the other ways of getting heavy frames are buying them.

Problem with The Solution #2: Purge mode
Reason: Allowing any old roboticist to be able to set buddies to purge is rather compromising, seen as roboticists occur more often than RD's do.
Solution: Lock purge mode behind an SU. This simple adjustment means only the RD can set them to purge. Yes there is a way around SU, but not many people are familar with it.

Addendum: Friendly Buddy modules:
Perhaps if implimented, there may be room to expand upon buddies. The current modules have all aggressive stances, the "guard" feature might allow for some interesting modules, which essentially makes them like more robust bots:
- Medical module: Guardbuddy is now essentially a more robust medibot, that can follow people. The guard feature means they will always actively follow the target, and only heal players 1-tile beside them. Super useful for doctors!
- Firefighting module: Guardbuddy is now a more robust firebot. Similar to the medical module, will always actively follow, and will only fight a fire that is beside them. Useful for engineers, but rather limited! Still, a fun module.
- Sanitation module:  Guardbuddy is now essentially a more robust sanitation drone, will always actively follow and only clean dirty tiles beneath them.
- Construction module: Guardbuddy is now essentially a more robust floorbot, will always actively follow, and will only repair breaches beneath them.

Note on the above that this is referring to guard mode. Patrol mode means they will behave like their bot counter-parts (i.e: will actively fight a fire beside them). This means, essentially, you could build 10-15 medical buddies, set them on patrol and they will attempt to heal everything the see while patrolling.
Purge mode would have no effect them, as they're essentially non aggressive.


TL;DR: Give buddies to roboticists, give weaker light shells, lock purge mode behind an SU, and possibly have non aggressive modules.
(02-21-2017, 09:12 AM)Sundance Wrote: :shopkeeper:

Sundance, let me start off by saying that you typically (if not always) have well thought out posts and I always felt that you have such a postive presence in this community since I started playing this game years ago. You have always been one of the players who stuck out in a good way. Thanks for that. hell yeah man

Back to the topic at hand. This is a great idea! Folks are always looking for a way to beef up the robotics department and this works well with the whole robotics theme. Cog2 already has the guardbuddy station adjacent to the robotics room. Destiny has two charging stations for guardbuddies in robotics but would probably need some reworking of the floorplan to move the main guardbiddy room from Research to Medbay.

Questions and Concerns
Is the prman control already under SU access?

I think the current code for prman is a little bugged. The last time I worked with it I wasn't able to make a majority of the commands work. If memory serves me correctly, it was the "guard room/location" command and maybe something else. It would definitely be worth checking out.

Would medbuddies be susceptible to tampering? Such as, dangerous chemicals being added to their "reservoir" or what have you.
I would also suggest making the buddies work off of the security records if they don't already. Much of the time, all they're good for is arresting good guys trying to fend off antagonists, who they'll ignore because of their stolen head ID.

I also really like the idea of patrolling Medbuddies.
PS: Here's a link to the GuardBuddy section on the wiki:

This needs a little TLC from the wiki update crew.
In SS13, buddies are literally my favorite thing. I'd love to see them expanded.

I'll drop a short request to add 'all' to every command, so I don't have to individually wake/upload/etc. every buddy individually.

and yeah, atamusvaleo, prman is su restricted.
Yes good idea.

I've always thought normal bots should have some kinda way for AI to manipulate them, so having buddies serve as beefier versions under the roboticists purview gives them an stronger role

Plus this idea would be relatively easy to implement since much of the code is already there, you're just moving things around
I love the idea of more buddy flavors since I think the only semi secret one is tesla buddy

Remember though that hacking su access is not at all hard to do once you learn how. So these might just become weapons of terror
Also it's really hard to comr accross guardbuddy frames. I've never checked robotics manufacturers for them, but there's like 2 in the robotics buddy room, and 2 in the buddy factory in space. Making them craftable at a manufacturer might turn into purge buddies every round, so maybe make them purchaseable at QM for a decent price, crate contains 2 frames, 2 boards, and 2 flash modules
(02-21-2017, 01:00 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: Also it's really hard to comr accross guardbuddy frames. I've never checked robotics manufacturers for them, but there's like 2 in the robotics buddy room, and 2 in the buddy factory in space. Making them craftable at a manufacturer might turn into purge buddies every round, so maybe make them purchaseable at QM for a decent price, crate contains 2 frames, 2 boards, and 2 flash modules

They are, I think, purchasable at QM after Gannet's recent patch. You can also buy the parts at a trader found in the debris field. I'd be against putting them in any manufacturer purely because it makes them so much easier to spam.

Giving control of the buddies to robotics is a fantastic idea, and makes loads of sense given that a DWAINE console for buddies is already located in robotics on Cog2.
(02-21-2017, 11:56 AM)Sov Wrote: I love the idea of more buddy flavors since I think the only semi secret one is tesla buddy

Remember though that hacking su access is not at all hard to do once you learn how. So these might just become weapons of terror
If that does happen, couldn't the purge command just be taken out?
i suppose purge command could be suspended until(if ever) rev is reworked and reimplemented, as buddy purge is pretty explicitly an anti-rev mechanism
I wouldn't grieve the loss of purge; as said, it lost all legitimacy when rev was axed. There's still EMPs if a traitor wants to make people cry out in horror. It's not that I'd like it gone, I just wouldn't care either way.

As for more buddy types, the more buds the better. Let's make an aggressive cyber-honking, dad-joke telling, mobile pie-launching platform and call it a clownbuddy. Or a buddy that goes around playing the saxophone at people while encouraging them to dance.
I have noticed how, despite the company manufacturing these robots supposedy being as big as Discount Dans, their only products that can be found in-game are the gaurdbuddy sub-line and like four unique ones you can find in the debris field and telesci zones. I would like to see the full line of PR-6 robots be available for use. The gaurdbuddies would be the only ones on the station by default, as the Nanotransen higher-ups are all greedy bastards, but the buddy factory and maybe a new crate the quartermaster could order would allow you to get your hands on other types. Hell, we could have entire lines with their own sets of modules for the other departments.
On that note, give Super Protector Friend a sound synthesizer module.

Get rid of purge, make the alternative be recall all the buddies to the storage and chuck an EMP nade in there

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