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Uryvichk, Gibbed 4, 10:40PM PST
The round was just about over. I was the roboticist, borging everyone in sight since the wizards had broken the cloner. Two of these borgs included the wizards.

The shuttle was on the way, with 5 minutes left until it would arrive. Everything was calm, we were having fun wrapping up the round and making lots of bots.


OOC: Uryvichk: Why did you idiots borg the wizards
[some stuff that doesn't matter]
[Uryvichk spawns a pipe bomb under the wizard borgs and kills them, ending the round abruptly]
OOC: Uryvichk: Borged != dead, correct.
OOC: Uryvichk: Why the fuck would you borg a wizard are you a fucking idiot.

I'm registering this complaint because it clearly and unnecessarily interrupted a round in play that was already on its way to ending, anyways. No one that I know of was complaining that the round was going on too long (mostly because this complaint is meaningless with the shuttle on the way), and to top it all off, he called me, personally, an idiot for borging a wizard.

If the shuttle hadn't been called and it were 90 minutes in, fine, I can see him ending the round prematurely by (quietly) killing the borgs without saying anything,

But as it stands, it wasn't needed, It wasn't called for, It was rude, and I think that this is the exact kind of thing that shouldn't happen. Being an admin does NOT mean you have the right to insult people and end the round 5 minutes early because you're angry your battle-music gimmick didn't go exactly as planned.

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