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Upgradable PDAs
I think something similar cropped up a few weeks or months back but I'd love to see PDAs become upgradable devices. PDAs would be made up the following components:

The Case component determines the maximum number of scanners that a PDA can hold. Special ones may also be able to hold more than one cartridge at once or multiple ID cards. Larger cases might be able to hold computer components but must remain in your (one module) pocket or (two modules) belt instead of your ID slot.

The Scanner components are your typical array of scanners. Pick and choose what you want in there - be it medical, chemical, atmospheric, t-ray... whatever you like! Better cases can hold multiple scanners. Better and/or specialized versions of scanners might tell you more info! (A specialized pathology scanner might give more information about diseases, a high-grade atmosphere scanner might chirp when the air is starting to get dangerous, a high-grade medical scanner might double as a medical implant.)

Very simply a larger memory bank to store programs and information on.

Allow modules not only for PDA messaging and signaling devices but also ones that work as a headset or that can interface with data terminals as if they were computers.

Example High-End PDAs:
The Cloner - a Large-sized PDA containing a Cloning Circuit Board hooked up to a specialized Cloning Medical Scanner and with a Data Terminal access comm dongle. This setup allows you to scan a body and then go to a data terminal and upload that information to the Cloning Computer. It may also allow you to initiate the cloning cycle.

The Engineering Special - an Extra Large-sized PDA containing an Engineering Monitorg Computer Module and a Power Monitoring Computer Module with a Data Terminal access comm dongle. Check the status of your hellburn from any data terminal!

The Meddler - a Normal-sized PDA containing both an Alert Master Cartridge and a Network Diagnostics Cartidge with a Data Terminal access comm dongle, PDA messaging, and headset comparability. Be nosey!

The Red Shirt - a Normal-sized PDA containing a SecMate Cartridge and printer module, PDA messaging, and earbuds. The earbuds will even let you hear radio traffic while wearing earmuffs to avoid being deafened by your own flashbangs! AMAZING!

The Operative - a Small-sized PDA capable of being worn as a headset. This offers headset and PDA messaging as well as the ability to project health and/or criminal status icons onto your glasses. Simple, sleek, and keeps your ID away from your explosive PDA.
(12-21-2016, 04:24 PM)Erev Wrote: The Operative - a Small-sized PDA capable of being worn as a headset. This offers headset and PDA messaging as well as the ability to project health and/or criminal status icons onto your glasses. Simple, sleek, and keeps your ID away from your explosive PDA.

Blowing up one of these while it's in your ear slot should deafen you and have a small chance to completely fucking decapitate you
(12-21-2016, 04:31 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: Blowing up one of these while it's in your ear slot should deafen you and have a small chance to completely fucking decapitate you

Oh, totally! It's an option. It isn't necessarily a SMART option!
Hrm... What do you think about having breakable PDA's?

Like, if someone blew up your PDA, rather than it just disappering, the components like the case break and need to be replaced.

Or say, dropping and throwing your PDA has a chance to break the screen and you'll need to replace that or else get cut occasionally when using your PDA
How about a larger battery so we can enjoy our very own version of note 7?

Y'know I was gonna put links to the other topics, but it appears there were many more than I anticipated.
Breakable PDAs could be fun and I like the idea with batteries. The larger the battery the longer it goes without needing a charge/the more it can run... and the bigger the explosion if it is faulty or PDA bombed.
I am all for PDA upgrades, but downgrading the PDA, just so we can then upgrade that downgrade away seems silly.
Battery life would also interfere with Detomax Bombing, which is already a weak item, as people will turn their PDA off to save power.

I actually kinda like the idea of breakable screens. Sure, it would be a hassle, but if you can fix it, it would be a fun thing to do.
(12-23-2016, 03:32 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: I actually kinda like the idea of breakable screens. Sure, it would be a hassle, but if you can fix it, it would be a fun thing to do.

I was thinking, by default it should be glass/molitz and then you can use the material system to craft a replacement screen that is harder to break, or even a different color screen like how sunglasses work. Maybe leaving behind a glass shard would make it a nice method of magyvering up some material
Nah, I'm not suggesting that anything be downgraded. You start with the default PDA that your job would normally get (well, the custom PDA equivalent thereof) and maybe you could even make it so that you select one of a number of basic models at the character screen. From there you can replace and/or upgrade them as needed.

I wasn't thinking the PDAs would have an off switch - they'd simply stop working when power ran out. Hopefully upgraded PDAs would be useful enough that people would want to keep them charged.

Using the materials system for the screen and maybe the case and power cell is brilliant.
I would absolutely love to see the PDAs become something actually useful and versatile. Like, yes, you 'can' do useful things with them (read: packets), but also they exist mostly to get blown up and die and eat your ID because lololol pda bombs. Having it seem like more of an intended, advertised feature (perhaps literally advertised in PDA merch vendors) would be nice.
(12-23-2016, 04:24 AM)Erev Wrote: Nah, I'm not suggesting that anything be downgraded. You start with the default PDA that your job would normally get (well, the custom PDA equivalent thereof) and maybe you could even make it so that you select one of a number of basic models at the character screen. From there you can replace and/or upgrade them as needed.

I wasn't thinking the PDAs would have an off switch - they'd simply stop working when power ran out. Hopefully upgraded PDAs would be useful enough that people would want to keep them charged.

Using the materials system for the screen and maybe the case and power cell is brilliant.

Make an Erebite-cased large PDA with the BOMB program- Bam, instant pipebomb.

You could even vary the materials used to make various departmental PDAs. Engineering could get a toughened screen, Sec could get an armoured casing with a small chance to absorb bullet impacts when worn in the ID slot.

I'd really like to see a "personal assistant" style program that turned a willing ghost into a small AI with control over your PDA applications. They could yell for help with Crisis alert, write out tickets and summon the port-a-nanomed to heal you up.
That could be funny, perhaps the personal assistant works best when your PDA is made of soulsteel and thus doesn't require the ghost's cooperation?
(12-23-2016, 08:21 AM)Crazyabe Wrote: That could be funny, perhaps the personal assistant works best when your PDA is made of soulsteel and thus doesn't require the ghost's cooperation?

I'd imagine the ghost would have to follow laws. They'd be identical to the AI's current laws, BUT there is an extra OOC rule that is displayed when the ghost enters the PDA. The new personal AI CANNOT use any form of past round-based knowledge. It also can use machinespeak. However, it doesn't have any view of the outside word unless equipped on the belt, ID slot, held in the hand, or on the floor. 

Also, one should be able to request a personal assistant for their PDA by pressing a button. Ghosts will be alerted when a new request appears. There is also a special ghost command that displays available PDAs.

Another thing that'd be cool is if you could start off as a personal AI that is in "storage" waiting for anyone to request one. You may also message people if they would like one while in storage. This would be on the same level of Staff Assistant, and ONLY one of the jobs (Staff Assistant and Personal AI) may be in the unwanted preference at any given time.

This could be a new thread in of itself if the idea is expanded upon enough and it is feasible.
PDA-ghosts in the vein of the pAIs from other codebases would be pretty fun, I think. Giving ghost players things to do, places to be, ways to spice up the round without being too obtrusive are always nice. And if you get tired of the ghost you can throw the PDA into the crusher or space it.
Or Delete the pAI, Blocking it from reapplying to your PDA.

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