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modular guns and other neat additions to guns ©
(keep in mind i have no idea how hard this is to code)

after finding out that they removed swapping pcells, i had 3 great ideas that i will show in this thread!
1) let energy guns and the like swap out pcells on the go
2)take big powercells and shove them in the reclaimer to get the delicious plasmastone so you can make small pcells
it all starts with a pipe frame. the material of the pipe frame can determine how much melee damage per hit it does, and any added effects like telecrystal.
you can add a coil(better quality better damage) to make it shoot energy and use pcells, OR you can add the BRAND NEW GUN ASSEMBLEY! in the workbench, with an igniter(?) and metal(ditto), you can make the gun chambered in .22, .44, or .375. then hit it with a welding tool to cut a hole for the magazine or pcell, and add rods for a handle/stock.
 now make another pipe frame, and hit it with wirecutters to cut it in half. BAM! that is your barrel(extension). this can lead to neat things like supressors, by making a cloth/metal compound or something to silence it a little bit. but do less damage for being made of cloth. you can use the energy gun version without a barrell, but adding a barrel WITH a lens can add cool effects, like radioactive shots from cerekenite, explodey shots from plasmastone, or make it a flat increase in projectile speed/damage for having the lens in the first place. the more translucent the lens, the better it functions

what do you think?
there used to be a bunch of old phaser mods that might satisfy your hunger for modular gunz, i havent seen any of them around in ages

but yeah, this kind of shit might tie in well with the huge fat giant thread we had about having more improvised wepons a while back
(12-18-2016, 03:42 PM)misto Wrote: there used to be a bunch of old phaser mods that might satisfy your hunger for modular gunz, i havent seen any of them around in ages

but yeah, this kind of shit might tie in well with the huge fat giant thread we had about having more improvised wepons a while back

i remember that thread and was going to originally post in that one but i had some other stuff that was irrelevant to the thread
(12-18-2016, 03:42 PM)misto Wrote: there used to be a bunch of old phaser mods that might satisfy your hunger for modular gunz, i havent seen any of them around in ages

Yeah, phasers and their upgrades:

name = "Phaser extension (sniper)"

desc = "Massively increases energy usage and damage. Also disables the radius setting."

overlay_name = "ext_sniper"


location = "ext"

icon_state = "add_sniper"

proj_sound = 'sound/weapons/snipershot.ogg'


name = "Phaser extension (battery)"

desc = "Increases battery maximum but slightly reduces damage."

overlay_name = "ext_battery"


location = "ext"

icon_state = "add_battery"


name = "Phaser extension (homing)"

desc = "Decreases battery maximum and increases energy usage but gives shots a slight homing ability."

overlay_name = "ext_focus"


location = "ext"

icon_state = "add_homing"


name = "Phaser energy-converter mod (thermal)"

desc = "Decreases energy usage but causes burn damage instead of brute damage."

overlay_name = "conv_thermal"

upgrade = PHASER_BURN

location = "conv"

icon_state = "add_thermal"

proj_mod = "proj_thermal"


name = "Phaser energy-converter mod (micro-singularity)"

desc = "Increases energy usage and decreases damage but pulls nearby targets in."

overlay_name = "conv_sing"

upgrade = PHASER_SING

location = "conv"

icon_state = "add_sing"

proj_mod = "proj_sing"

proj_sound_impact = 'sound/effects/singsuck.ogg'


name = "Phaser energy-converter mod (toxin)"

desc = "Increases energy usage but causes toxin damage instead of brute damage and adds additional damage over time."

overlay_name = "conv_tox"


location = "conv"

icon_state = "add_tox"

proj_mod = "proj_tox"


name = "Phaser energy-converter mod (flash)"

desc = "Greatly reduces damage and stun time but causes each hit to blind the target temporarily."

overlay_name = "conv_flash"

upgrade = PHASER_FLASH

location = "conv"

icon_state = "add_flash"

proj_mod = "proj_flash"


name = "Phaser energy-converter mod (EMP)"

desc = "Increases damage against synthetic lifeforms but slightly increases energy usage."

overlay_name = "conv_emp"

upgrade = PHASER_EMP

location = "conv"

icon_state = "add_emp"

proj_mod = "proj_emp"


name = "Phaser energy-converter mod (concussion)"

desc = "Disables stuns and reduces damage but knocks target back on hit."

overlay_name = "conv_conc"

upgrade = PHASER_CONC

location = "conv"

icon_state = "add_conc"

proj_mod = "proj_conc"

I think their main problem was that they were just too rare to 'count' on, being only found in secured crates.
I vaguely recall them dropping from phaser drones, though it's been a while since they were taken out, so I could be mistaken. Would give a good reason for scavenging in the debris field at least.
I had no idea there were that many. I only ever saw one or two of them

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